How I Got Out Of Debt and Into My Purpose
When I taking those aptitude tests in high school, I don’t remember ever thinking, “I want to grow up and be a Beachbody coach!”
But I also don’t remember thinking,
“I want to grow up and be in debt and not know if my family can pay our bills. Or be tied down to a job for 25 years with very little income or growth potential without having to go back to school….only to take out more student loan debt, which I can never pay off on the salary I’m making!“
But that’s where I found myself three years ago…as well as in REALLY bad physical shape.
But that’s where I found myself three years ago…as well as in REALLY bad physical shape.
But as I sit here and type this tonight, I’m in a different place!
1. Yes, I’m STILL a teacher! I love teaching history at our community college. It is rewarding, and let’s out my inner nerd
🤓 while also giving me time in the summers and evenings to COACH!

2. I’m making JUST AS MUCH as a coach as I am at my teaching job…say what????
3. We are NOT wondering if we can pay our bills, let alone pay for our kids college…. We’re putting back more than ever!
4. Matt was able to leave a job he was “Comfortable” in with cushy benefits for a job he was CALLED to because my Beachbody check allows us to pay the medical bills and save for his retirement !
🙌 {Total God thing!}

5. I am RUNNING my own business! And teaching other moms who want to be home with their kids or supplement their incomes to do the same thing!
6. I get to share my FAITH every single day through what I do as a coach. In my motivational posts, in my challenge groups, in our team page, and in my personal relationships the have grown out of coaching.
Is it WORK? Yes!
Is it LIFE-GIVING? Heck yes!
Is it LIFE-GIVING? Heck yes!
But I am willing to put the work in no matter what, because I BELIEVE in what I do!
And you know what—that same opportunity is there for you too!
I am taking on 5 EAGER-driven-willing to WORK HARD ladies to start in my July new coach training academy.
Claim your SPOT below!
***Space is limited. Must not already be working with a coach***
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