What Is P90?
Beachbody has done it again! Many of you know I love a program that was created for people like you and me. People who have never picked up a weight but love the results P90X trainer, Tony Horton , provides…well, now you have another option! September 23rd, Beachbody will release Tony’s newest program…P90!!!!!
If you have ever tried P90X and failed, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! This is a home fitness program that anyone can start with! Consider it as a stepping stone to P90X. For those of you who are have never tried weight training or work out, but you want to…this is FOR YOU!!!
Who would this program be perfect for?
- You don’t want a hardcore workout but you want to lose weight.
- You want to get back some of the muscle tone you have lost over the years.
- You want to just get out of bed in the morning without a backache.
- If you are just someone who wants to be in good health, get regular exercise and feel strong then this could be the workout for you.
This is not one of those high intensity, hard on your joints workouts. It includes simple cardio, weights, and just 25 minutes a day for 90 days. Not only that, it contains a simple meal planning guide that will clean up your eating and fuel your body,while you completely transform it!
For those of you who decide to try this program, I really want it to become something that you love and use to totally transform your health. I know that it is so easy to begin a workout program and lose steam after a few weeks. When that happens, these workouts usually end up on a shelf somewhere, which doesn’t do anyone any good! So, I want to help you SUCCEED at reaching your goals. My job as a coach is help you support you, help you figure out the meal planning system, figure out which foods will work for you and get you started on the right path. Then we will encourage each other by tracking our progress, holding each other accountable and stay motivated to keep going on those tough days when you want to quit.
So, if you are interested in joining my Test Group for P90, fill out the application below, and I will get in touch with you.
So, What Is A Test Group??
It is a closed Facebook group where no one but the members of the group can see what is being posted. I will walk you through how to set realistic goals for yourself, how to meal plan, prep, how to set yourself up for success, then each day you log into the group for a post of the day, motivation, recipes and tips. We will track progress through our online group and you will succeed! Trust me, if you commit, I will meet you half way! I won’t let you give up! Are you ready to quit thinking about getting healthy and take action to do it?? What’s the worst that can happen? You could lose a few pounds, kick some bad habits and gain a ton more energy! Not so bad, right???
The requirements are that you purchase the P90 Challenge pack through me as your coach. I will be giving you all of the details to get the package once you complete the application below. Only my customers and coaches are allowed to participate in this group.
Are you in?!?! I’m only accepting a limited number of people into this exclusive group. So please complete the application below to be considered for a spot and gain more information!
All you have to do is decide that now is the time for you to make a change!!! Let’s do this together!!! Fill out the application to be the first to know about the release date, the details and more!!!!
Are you in?!?! I’m only accepting a limited number of people into this exclusive group. So please complete the application below to be considered for a spot and gain more information!
All you have to do is decide that now is the time for you to make a change!!! Let’s do this together!!! Fill out the application to be the first to know about the release date, the details and more!!!!
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