What Do You Have To G.A.I.N.?????
Our summer is HALF way over!!! Where has it gone???
I can tell you…to VBS, the swimming pool, the library, and lots of other places! We are having the BEST summer!
In the beginning, I was kind of bummed we didn’t have a beach vacation planned. But now, I don’t know when we would have done it! It is so nice to be home, to be able to relax and just to BE!!!
Henry starts school in less than a month now, so we have most of July just to chill, play ball, swim some more, be with friends and have fun!
I know for me personally, in all this busyness, I have kind of loosened up in my eating. I’m not binging or eating horribly, but I am definitely not paying attention to my portions and I’ve caught myself up late snacking frequently. And I can feel the difference. I got my scale back out recently, and I’ve gained a few lbs. My clothes are a little tighter and I just feel a little more sluggish.
It’s amazing to me how two years later, I can totally tell when I’m outside of the zone I need to be. I have been really convicted about NOT being a slave to the scale, and I vow to stay there. It takes some prayer, but I know my worth does NOT lie in what a number on a machine says about me.
BUT, when I get above a certain weight, my body is sluggish and I just don’t feel right. And I know it’s time to reign in my habits. So, I am starting the 21 Day Fix Extreme on today! I have my meal plan ready, and my workout calendar out.
The 21 Day Fix Extreme program is very similar to the original 21 Day Fix, but it is slightly more restrictive. Which is exactly what I need. Things like alcohol and frozen waffles or breads are not allowed during the 21 days.
I often think about why these programs work so well for me. It’s not like there is anything magical about working out and eating clean. Nothing that cannot be found out there on the big wide web. But my personality just craves order and a plan to follow. And this is gonna be exactly what I need to reset my thinking and my habits. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit.
Well they also say it takes 90 days to form a new habit! And if there is one thing I’ve learned over the past two years, it is that being healthy is not a short term thing for me. I know it’s something I have to work at and pray about on a regular basis. It is something God has used to help me create new disciplines and reliance on Him.
And as a coach, I completely feel called to pay that forward. So, I am calling my July challenge group G.A.I.N.
Does that sound odd? When we think about health, so often we think and talk about losing…weight, inches, etc.
But what if we GAIN control over our habits and GAIN a new way of thinking?
This verse has been floating through our home lately. Matt and I have been praying it about our finances and many other things. It is even written on the blackboard in our living room.
And I got to thinking about how it applies to our health and our fitness. I know that for me personally, I can be very greedy when it comes to what I eat and when I eat it. I used to consider it great freedom to be able to eat whatever I want whenever I want.
But truly, freedom comes when we relinquish our desires and our cravings to God and allow Him to be what we crave above all else! I believe that self-control means we let go of certain things in order to GAIN peace and contentment.
So, I have chosen this scripture verse – 1 Timothy 6:6 – as the theme of my July 18th G.A.I.N. 30 day FitCamp!
Every month I personally take a small group of women under my wing and share with them what God is teaching me about treating my body as a temple of His Holy Spirit! 💕
I want to HELP YOU:
+stop the crazy dieting cycle by focusing on our Perfecter, not perfection.
+create a workout schedule that fits your LIFE doing a program you LOVE.
+ stay accountable to being HEALTHY from the inside-out.
+ learn how to eat the foods you LOVE without feeling deprived.
+ become empowered to change your life.
Here’s the thing….I have to be really honest with you and share that for a loooong time I tried doing my fitness journey on my own. And you know what? It’s hard, and it’s exhausting. But when I finally surrendered my struggles to my Creator who promises in Psalm 139 that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I was finally able to find peace! YOU are beautiful and loved, no matter if you’re a size zero or a size 30. You are beautiful just the way you are, but God loves you so much that He doesn’t want you to stay in a place of defeat!
It doesn’t matter where you live, how in shape or out of shape you are, whether you have vacations planned, are traveling for work, or feel like you have zero time to focus on you—I’ve got you because this group is something that God has really laid on my heart and its content is truly my passion and purpose!
My G.A.I.N. FitCamp has four basic components that have changed my life:
So if you feel a little tug on your heart right now – I want to encourage you to push any fear aside (even if you’re scared to death to ask for help) and please please PLEASE reach out to me! I’ve been right where you are, and I will walk with you every step of the way.
Just simply email me at janzenmitch@outlook.com OR leave your info below. Whatever works for you! I will personally reach out to you and guide you every step of the way.
Just simply email me at janzenmitch@outlook.com OR leave your info below. Whatever works for you! I will personally reach out to you and guide you every step of the way.
Much love in Christ!