Week 1 of 80 Day Obsession Recap
This 80 Day journey for me is about FAR more then the 5 lbs I have to lose. My goal for this 80 days is to allow God to take captive every thought, word, act, decision and attitude!
80 Days of Focus
I’m so excited to see what He is going to do!
I’m journaling daily (or most days 😛) on my physical, spiritual and mental state along the way. I’m excited to see progression in all 3 areas of my life!
Ephesians 5:15-20 is where I keep coming back to!
“Pay careful attention, then, to how you live—not as unwise people but as wise— 16 making the most of the time,[d] because the days are evil. 17 So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 And don’t get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless living, but be filled by the Spirit: 19 speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music with your heart to the Lord, 20 giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another in the fear of Christ.”
And these ladies in my Bootcamp have started off STRONG with me!!!! I challenged my 80 Day sisters to begin journaling their days and progress as week as we go through these 80 days. As a Jesus girl, I know that every journey we embark upon MUST be one that changes us from the inside out. And this first week has been one in which i’ve heard God whispering new convictions and truth into my heart. I don’t think I’m quite ready to put any of it into words yet, because I feel like He is still developing some of them in my heart, but if I feel like I’m supposed to, I will as we progress!
80 days of dialed in nutrition, longer workouts, more sleep, less comparison, and more prayer!
That’s MY focus!
Is it a commitment? Yes!
But I couldn’t be MORE excited about it! Because I sense God is moving in a BIG way in my life and the lives of these 30 + women doing this with me.
It’s easy to lose focus when temptation rears it’s ugly head, but historically, that’s where God steps in and does what we CANNOT!
So my gals and I are CLAIMING our own verse for few months and LEANING into what can only make us stronger if we allow it to!!!
Meal Plan For Week 2
The nutrition piece for last week really was not as much of a struggle as I anticipated. This is truly the simplest plan I have created and followed in quite some time. Everything is basically laid out for me. I just plug in the foods I like to eat from the list, and BOOM!
I’m not making fancy dinners, because simple is better. And my family eats what I eat…no one is complaining, so I’m gonna stick with what is working!
Timed nutrition has captured my heart! I will admit that I was extremely resistant to the idea of eating before my workouts. Especially since mine are so early in the morning, but its working. I actually look forward to that early meal, because it is absolutely helping me POWER through these tougher workouts! And my body CRAVES that post workout meal and Recover formula to help my muscles heal and grow!
Week 1 Results
So…week one, and here are my results so far! Kind of excited about this if I’m being honest…
I lost 1 lb and 5.5 inches!!!! What WHAT!!!
I stress DAILY to my fit tribe that the scale is SO deceiving, and I see women living as a slave to it all the time! That scale does not alway accurately reflect the changes in your body! Eat right, move your body and what the changes happen! And my results are only a small part of the group! These women are blasting fat and building muscle in just ONE week! I can’t wait to see the changes happen as we progress!
I believe in the practicality of this program and the longevity of the results you will get so much that I have decided to start ROUND 2 in February and welcome a small group of ladies to begin with us! But since those openings won’t begin until the 12th, I”m opening about 10 spots for A Little Obsessed prep group that will run starting Monday, January 22nd through the 12th. This group will be an opportunity for you to get READY for the big sister program! Join us for:
- a weekly meal plan
- 30 minute workouts (little sister workouts to the ones we are doing)
- daily accountability
- nightly check ins
- nutrition superfoods to fuel your body
If you want to join us, you can do this prep group as a trial period before you invest in the full 80 days. Just send me your info below and I will make sure you get set up and added to the group for week 1 that starts Monday. This will be a rolling group, so you can join at any time before Round 2 begins.