Ultimate Reset – Week 3 Wrap Up and Results
And that’s a wrap!
Week 3 of the Ultimate Reset is done, and I’m blown away by the progress I have made!
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Avocado and Cucumber soup with Roasted veggies |
I will start this wrap up post by saying that I did NOT do this perfectly! I followed the meal plan VERY closely, but there was the occasional slip up, and I am still very proud of what I was able to accomplish!
Also, I think it’s important for me to state, that I did NOT do this to lose weight. I did lose weight while doing this, but my main motivation was to address my sensitive stomach issues (e.g. bloating, gas pain, etc.) and to try and figure out if some join pain was food related.
And the sensitive stomach issues have definitely been resolved! I am pretty sure my food sensitivities include dairy and eggs when cooked certain ways. I am also pretty sensitive to most forms of nuts…which is a bummer.
My joint pain has not resolved itself entirely, but it has lessened a great deal! I am so excited about all of this!
It was an incredible three weeks of learning more about food, about how my body reacts to different foods, about what my body NEEDs, and what I am capable of giving up.
- Never in a million years would i have thought that I would go a week without meat and ENJOY it.
- Never in a million years would I have guessed that I could skip my daily Energize or morning cup of coffee.
- I never would have thought that I could give up eating 5-6 small meals a day and not starve!
BUT!!! I did all of those things, and I feel amazing! It has occurred to me a few times this past week that I am craving ZERO sweets. Like ZILCH!
The boys have had candy, cinnamon rolls, donuts, and I haven’t even been tempted! It’s powerful people. Doing what you think you are not capable of and seeing it work…it’s powerful!
But I can’t take credit for it. I prayed a lot before I committed to this Reset, and I prayed a lot during. I asked God to use it as a journey that would bring me closer to Him, and he has honored that. I definitely used this time to dive deeper into God’s word.
With that said, the second week of this Reset was a STRUGGLE. I was feeling depressed. I was feeling lethargic and just NOT into it. During this period I realized that my body NEEDS exercise. Or at least movement of some kind.
My body NEEDS a schedule. I was out of my regular routine of waking, devotion, workout and tackling my day, and my mind and body missed those things. So, I added in some modified workouts, and I was back on track. I also was reminded that my brain does not react positively to going without healthy carbs. I remember trying the South Beach Diet in college and getting extremely depressed because of depriving myself of carbs. The same thing happened in Week 2 of the reset. So I altered my plan, added in a size of Ezekiel toast every other day, and it was fixed!
After that hump, my mind was CLEAR as a bell! I was energized; my thoughts were more focused, and it enabled me to study and hear God more clearly in my daily devotion time. THAT was an unexpected benefit.
I have always known that sugar and artificial sweeteners cloud my brain and can make me depressed, but I have never committed to going more than a week without them entirely. The difference it has made in my thinking and my prayer time is phenomenal!
I will ALWAYS say that this journey is more than a physical one. And God reminds me of that almost daily. Doing the Ultimate Reset was not about losing weight for me. In fact, I lost more than I expected and added in some more foods to prevent it.
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Before and After Ultimate Reset |
Again, it was not a perfect journey. And while my cravings are gone, and I feel incredible, there were times that I wanted to eat what my family was eating. Or I wanted to go out to eat and just order anything I wanted. But it was worth the sacrifice.
I will continue to follow this plan and slowly add foods back in. This week, I am definitely adding meat back in. But I will continue to consume some vegan meals – like the Southwest bean tacos – and to eat tofu….I still can’t believe I’m saying that!
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Whole Fat Greek Yogurt |
I will slowly add caffeine back in. I drink decaf a good bit anyways, but I will have more caffeinated than I have these past few weeks.
I will add only a small amount of dairy from time to time, because I know that my body is intolerant. And when I do, it will be in its whole form. Whole milk and whole fat greek yogurt. These forms are more filling and are actually linked to lower rates of obesity when compared to low-fat. Also, when we eat foods that have been modified, we are losing a lot of the natural nutrients God placed in foods. I’m planning to share more about what I’m learning soon!
I will add only a small amount of dairy from time to time, because I know that my body is intolerant. And when I do, it will be in its whole form. Whole milk and whole fat greek yogurt. These forms are more filling and are actually linked to lower rates of obesity when compared to low-fat. Also, when we eat foods that have been modified, we are losing a lot of the natural nutrients God placed in foods. I’m planning to share more about what I’m learning soon!
And now, as I head into this next week, I am planning for Core de Force. It’s a MMA style workout designed to target my core. I have my meal plan ready to go, and I’m jumping in in a somewhat moderate fashion as my body adjusts to going back to a regular schedule.
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Meal Prep for Core De Force |
If you are at all interested in learning more about The Ultimate Reset, please let me know. I think it’s a wonderful program for anyone who is looking for an opportunity to learn more about their body, detox from junk and really commit to a healthier lifestyle. I have actually had so many people ask me about it that I’m going to host an exclusive Ultimate Reset Challenge after New Years! So send me an email or comment below if you would like to join us!
No matter what you choose to do in your own health next, may I encourage you to pray over it. Commit your journey to God. Seek His direction and make sure that there is purpose in all that you do!
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