Transform your Mind, Body and Spirit!
Hello from the land of nowhere! 😉 I feel like it’s been a hot minute since I blogged! But I’ve been so focused on some major goals in my business and really pouring into my team and my clients that my blog has taken a back seat! I’m sure you understand and don’t judge, but MAN! I have missed sharing here!
We had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and are well into Christmas mode with a tree, decoration and some early shopping! I hope you and your family had a beautiful holiday as well!
I’m so excited to share with you the NEXT program and bootcamp I’m launching for my fit family!
Maybe you’ve heard of the man??? Shaun T! Well he’s back and he has a killer new program that is PERFECT for busy sisters like you an me! Hello 20 minute workouts! And our mamas step! (that cracks me up! Did your mom have a step she used to exercise??? )
The Workouts
6 weeks, 3 phases. Shaun broke this up into 3 phases. And Shaun is working on our mind as well as our body during these no-rest, 20 minute workout sessions.
Phase 1 is COMMIT
Phase 2 is Climb
Phase 3 is Conquer
And yes, each phase will start to get harder. There is a modifier and although altered to a more advanced fitness level, Shaun himself told us on his call that any level will be able to get results.
Mondays: Burn
Tuesdays: Faster
Wednesdays: Stronger
Thursdays: Power
Friday: Weight workout (think light and medium hand weights)
Saturday: Balance
Sunday: Reflect (Each week Shaun has a “Transform with Shawn” reality series filmed with the cast)
There is also an additional 6 bonus workouts with weights, and 4 Bonus cardio workouts, you could add these to the 20 minute days if you feel you want more then the 20 minutes of the day:
Cardio: 10 minutes
Booty: 10 minutes
Abs: 10, 15 and 20 minutes
Transform in 10 and 15 minutes
The Nutrition
Follow either containers from 21 day fix, 2Bmindset or the transform nutrition guide that comes with your package of information, tells you according to your weight and goal weight, how much of what to eat, a recipe book from ShaunT is included and a tracker….THE TRACKER. You guys, I saw the tracker and can’t wait. It’s a journal for each day you mark off your water intake, your weight, breakfast, lunch, dinner, shakeology, coffee, how many hours you slept and how you feel over all and the best part, each day you check if you laughed or not. I freaking love that! This program is literally so up my alley and it’s going to be the most amazing way to start the new year! I can’t wait!!!
Each day also has a ShaunT motivational message to keep our head in the game.
Along with all of that, you also get a decal wall calendar, you can use a dry eraser so that you can re-use it for the next time you do the program. You get 3 stickers to stick onto your step for each phase you complete.
In addition to the accountability group I’ll be running for us, ShaunT has a VIP launch group. This will be a private fb group for everyone to go through the 6 weeks with him. He will be going live, posting every day, you are essentially going to be able to connect with him, ask questions, he has an agenda planned out to help all of us through this and to get the most of it. In order to get into this group, you have to be a coach or discount coach (aka, getting the coach discount without having to coach) and you obviously have to purchase the early release program. IF you are not a discount coach and would like to sign up just for this program, I can do that for you as well. Just let me know and I’ll make a note to add you.
Our Plan of Attack
Girl, you KNOW we have to invite Jesus into this workout just like all my bootcamps! Without Him and His strength, we will fall flat on our face! So, I’m challenging you NOW to claim your verse for this program! What is your biggest area of struggle? Self confidence, Self worth, Self control (all the selves), Emotional Eating? Let’s find a verse that speak truth over any areas the Enemy seeks to have us believe and start praying it NOW!
Here’s our plan. We start January 7 with prep week. Setting goals, uncovering our why, creating amazing meals plans full of food we’re actually excited to eat. We add in a weekly affirmation to work on our mindset because that’s a huge part of Transform 20. Our mind will quit long before our bodies actually give up. If we can get our mindset right, our self-talk right, our confidence and goals right….we can accomplish anything! No “falling off the wagon”. It becomes just a series of choices that help us reach our goals. One decision, one day, one week at a time. It’s just 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening so your total daily commitment with the 20 minute workouts is 30 minutes!!!! That’s pretty reasonable for self-care and success. It’s literally about 2% of your day. You can give yourself 2% of your day!
Transform: 20 goes on sale for VIP early access this Monday, December 4.
You don’t want to wait to order your step, they are going to run out quick. Similar to what happened last year with 80 Day obsession sliders. January 14 is our actual workout day one when the program goes live on Beachbody On Demand to anyone who purchased early access. The workouts will be released one week’s worth at a time so that everyone in the beachbody community will be going through the program together. Each week there are new workouts, so all 36 workouts are different. 2 prep workouts will go into your beachbody library on-demand after you purchase a package, and one free workout will be released to the public on December 11th.
How to Get Started
December 4th is the first day the internet is going to be bursting so I want to make it simple for you to place your order. If you know you want in on this program, mark your calendar now and stay tuned for the sale launch on Monday!. Fill out the form below, I’ll send out an email when everything is live and ready for you to order. If you have questions, email me now so we can get them answered this weekend. I will have carts individually created for you and sent out on December 4th, so all you have to do is open your email. I’m SO SO SO excited for this program, it’s going to help the winter fly by, and all of us to head into spring healthy, happy and strong (mentally and physically). Let’s have some fun, enjoy some short but very much to the point workouts and enjoy the holidays knowing we already have a plan set in place come January.
Hope to see lots of you in this accountability group starting January 7.
*If you aren’t plugged into a group right now and need some support (and fun) I have a Healthy For The Holidays group running strong. Just email me to be added!