Tips To Create a 21 Day Fix Meal Plan & A Cize Giveaway!
I am a 21 Day Fixer. It’s the program I started with in May 2014. It worked. I love it, and it will always be special to me!
That said, even though I do not always follow the workouts and have moved on to diversify my workouts a little more with Pilates, weights, running, I STILL follow the 21 Day Fix meal plan! It just works for me. I love the balance, the fact that I’m not counting calories, and that I can eat a TON of different foods on it!
In my challenge groups, I help my challengers create their own meal plans based on the 21 Day Fix and other programs. This usually seems quite daunting…it did for me at first too, but there are really six simple steps to do this:
1) Print out a weekly meal planning workouts.
I’ve included a link to a blank meal plan that I use weekly.
2) Start finding recipes on line.
There are so many great clean eating recipes online. Pinterest is full of ideas for 21 Day Fix recipes. I have a great list of clean eating recipes located Here that you can start with too. Some great sites for clean eating recipes that I recommend include:
- Spread out your nutrients throughout the day.
- Eat most of your carbs before lunchtime.
- Avoid eating fruit or carbs alone. Make sure they are paired with a fat or protein to keep your blood sugar from falling.
- Measure out ingredients in your containers if you’re making something new. You’ll have a better idea of how to count a soup or casserole if you know how much of each container went in.
- Make a list of your favorite snacks and dinners to make meal planning easier. I know for our family, we love Turkey Meatloaf and Turkey Chili. So those will be regulars on my meal plans this Fall.
- Never stop trying new things!!! I know that when I get bored with my meal plans, I tend to stray. Keep it exciting and switch it up when necessary. Maybe commit to trying one new recipe each week!
Click on the image to download my meal plan, or click here if you would like to download a blank copy to create your own!
And through Monday only, if you order Shakeology, I am giving Cize away for FREE!!! Send me an email if you would like to take advantage of this offer and join our Back to School Challenge Group!