There’s No Time To Stand On the Sidelines…

I don’t tend toward the “political” side here on this account, but God has been working in my heart in NUMEROUS ways and convicting me to ask the question “Why not?”.
I think that’s a BIG part of the problem here in America. 🇺🇸
Somehow, we as Christians have been tricked into believing that our citizenship in the kingdom of God is SEPARATE from our citizenship as Americans.
We cling to our bibles and post pretty scripture verses and stay out of the culture fights all while so many are being led away like sheep to the slaughter by the lies the liberal left is forcing down their throats!
Convinced that because the “culture” is moving in a certain direction that we just have to flow with them, go to church on Sunday and accept the changes as they happen.
Well, I say HOGWASH! ❌
Who says we can’t stand for TRUTH, defend the unborn 🤱🏼, protect traditional marriage 👫, teach our kids how old the world 🌍 REALLY is and EQUIP them to defend their faith in LOVE 💗?
My Jesus loving mamas, it’s time to take a STAND and speak the TRUTH to a world that is quickly falling to the lies.
You’re still gonna see me promote health and wellness and business that is rooted in Christ.
But on Wednesday’s, I also want to encourage you in the fight for your families, their futures and what our role is as Christian citizens in what is still a FREE country! 🇺🇸
Starting in our homes! 🏡
I love Deuteronomy 6:4-9!! 📖 Let’s teach our children to love God above all and lovingly spread His truth to a world 🌍 that is dying!
“Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Deuteronomy 6:7
Starting here. If you’re hungry to say informed, pray more over these matters, stay plugged into the truth and how you can stand for Truth, I encourage you to follow these accounts: