The Lifter of Veils
Some days I mourn for the years I didn’t know Jesus as my Savior. Not everyday, but recently as I was reading God’s word, I got teary eyed and took a quick trip down memory lane and considered what my experiences MIGHT have been like if I had come to Christ earlier in life.

Might I have valued you my body more instead of giving it away?
Might I have had more confidence and self worth and chosen different paths?
Might I have valued what I was gaining in my husband, Matt, and cherished our wedding ceremony and the union God loves so much? *
To be completely honest, most days I’m thankful for how I came to Christ! I spent 24 years NOT knowing Him as Savior and Lord, so there is a CLEAR memory of what it is like to live without Him. Which makes living WITH Him so much sweeter. God uses my story often to point to His saving grace!
Today, As I read this passage:
“but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:16-18

I began to think of veils… specifically how the wedding veil is an image of being lifted and coming face to face with our spouse. Entering into a beautiful union representative of our union with God. (*That’s what got me thinking “What if” I had known Christ when we married.)
I didn’t even cover my face with my veil on our wedding day. Knowing what I know now about God’s plan for marriage, I would have done so and understood what I was committing to more clearly.
God is the lifter of veils. Actually, when Christ died, He TORE the veil in the temple.
What does this even mean?
“At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split,”
Matthew 27:51

It means He wants DIRECT communion with you and me. No longer did our relationship require a mediator, a priest, a holy person ordained for that role.
Christ’s life, death and resurrection did away with the veil! Now we can see and commune with God DIRECTLY through the person of Jesus Christ.
I’m prayerful this season that, as believers, your hearts will be revealed to NEW revelations about what the incarnation of Christ truly means for us.
I also pray for non-believers hearts to be tugged, drawn toward the saving knowledge of Jesus as fully man, fully God and SAVIOR for all who believe!
Thank you Lord for lifting the veil of my heart to your truth and for TEARING the veil in the temple when Christ died!