That’s A Wrap!
And just like that! 80 days of focused nutrition and workouts and accountability is over!
Who would have thought that such a seemingly scary commitment would go by so quickly!?
And doing it with this group of incredibly STRONG and BRAVE women made it even more fun!
So, if you aren’t familiar with the program I am refering to, go HERE first to read about it. Then come back to hear about my results and takeaways!
If you follow me on social media or here for very long, you’ll quickly learn that I never do a workout program JUST to get physical results. I believe that God has used fitness and my health issues in my life to get my attention and make me LEAN IN to Him! The outward results are FUN, but I’m forever grateful that I’ve struggled with certain areas of my health because it changed my relationship with my Savior and made it so much sweeter! There is something about self-discipline and focus in any area of life that forces us believers to become more disciplined in our walk with Christ. And it’s something that I’m also learning is a great example for our children too!
So, as I’ve focused on becoming more disciplined with these workouts and my timed nutrition plan, I’ve also found myself becoming more disciplined in my quiet time with God. Dealing with issues of comparison and complacency and bringing those to the surface to pray over and conquer! And I’ve watched the women in our test group do the same! It’s a beautiful thing to be a part of! #proudcoach
80 Day Results
Now for the results! I have to be 100% transparent here and admit that my nutrition was NOT 100% the entire time! I followed the plan closely but had a rough couple of weeks in the middle that got me a little off track. And if I’m being TOTALLY transparent, I discovered that Timed Nutrition isn’t my jam every single day! I completely see and understand the benefit of it and how it works. But since I workout SO early, it’s difficult for me to eat before I workout. I will continue it in Round 2 on certain days (particularly the longer heavier workouts) and go back to my Intermittent Fasting on the other days!
But the nutrition plan was SIMPLE! I want to make that clear! It intimidated the heck out of me at first, but it was probably the easiest piece of this program! Just real, whole, clean food and eating at the proper times to get the MOST out of our food!
Round 2
So! If you’re intrigued about bands and sliders and timed nutrition and refeed days and crazy awesome Jesus loving women and want to do Round 2 with us….I’m opening 5 more spots for Round 2! And I’m doing it with you….as soon as I get back from Mexico! 😉
I’m also working on something else…..
Thankfully we have something in the works for next month that will be focusing on a new way of eating… NO MEASURING, NO COUNTING CALORIES, NO CONTAINERS, NO DIETING, but just a new way of looking at food .
I will be working together with a AN AMAZING nutritionist on a BRAND NEW CONCEPT. It’s an NON restrictive way of eating and I am super pumped to be introducing this to my new challengers which we will be coupling with God’s word to take ON our eating issues sisters!
I find that people are always looking for a NEW DIET, simply because they haven’t learned how to FUEL their bodies the right way. How AWESOME would it be if we never had to ourselves NO to what we want and just learned how to balance it all out so we not only LOOK but also FEEL GREAT!?!
It’s not available yet… but it will be soon and I want to be sure you are the first to hear about it when it is launched!
Just click here to apply for either or BOTH! I’ll be doing 80 Day Obsession WHILE tackling my Nutrition Mindset!