Thank God For Baby Steps
This was so HARD to put into words…my soul is on FIRE!
I asked for prayer a few months back from some VERY trusted friends about the direction God was taking my business and my family! I wanna give a HUGE PRAISE to God for giving Matt and I such a CLEAR answer and making a WAY!. .
Sweet followers and fiends of mine, Today is the LAST day I will work a Full Time job OUTSIDE of our home. As of today, I am a part time instructor with my college and a FULL TIME lifestyle Coach! 🎉
What that means is so many things for me and my precious family!
âž•I get to be a more PRESENT wife and mom
âž•I won’t miss so much of my kids’ activities and school functions
âž•I will get to serve more closely alongside Matt in his ministry
âž•We will not be so restricted in our travel and time off
âž•I will be able to serve more in local ministries
âž•I will get to help MORE WOMEN as you seek to grow a business that honors God and serves others!
âž•I can TRULY take this business to the next level
I wrote out my mission statement and vision for my business a few months ago as we REALLY started to pray about this, and I’m sharing it with you today, because reading it DAILY and praying over it TOTALLY inspired me to work HARDER and SMARTER with the time that I had.!
My WHY- To provide for my family by helping other women. To earn an income, work less at my job and be more PRESENT with my family!
My mission statement: To build a business that is centered on Christ. To empower and encourage women to love their bodies, because Christ loved them first. To share His message of love and hope through fitness that enables women to see their full potential. To create financial freedom for my family and flexibility in our schedules so that we can spend more time together.
NONE of this would be possible for my family without my TEAM! Thank you guys!💕
I BELIEVE in this business. I have built it from the GROUND up with ZERO network marketing experience, the teeniest following you can imagine and MORE fear and self doubt that I realized I possessed! .
Don’t stop fighting for FREEDOMS in your life. You are WORTH working hard for something you believe in.
What About You?
If my story moves you or lights a fire in your belly, I am looking for more women who love God, want to serve others and work HARD to build a life by design! Could you see yourself doing what I do?
If so, I’m accepting 5 new coach each month.  This could be your SIGN!  God telling you to  jump in!  Message me here, and I’ll reach out and share some more information with you about joining my team!