30 Day Elimination Week 1 Recap
Week 1 is a wrap! And I don't have huge results to share on the outside! But that is ok. I didn't start this challenge to lose weight. I DO want to tone up from some of the fluff I gained from my recent travels,...
Week 1 is a wrap! And I don't have huge results to share on the outside! But that is ok. I didn't start this challenge to lose weight. I DO want to tone up from some of the fluff I gained from my recent travels,...
New workout. New nutrition plan. New challenge. Chris Downing, creator of Shift Shop I LOVE IT! I get so excited to challenge myself in new ways. I am one of those people that NEEDS to mix things up to stay interested in something, and my health and...
It's time! When people buy new planners, commit to getting out of debt, getting into the gym, and resolving to be better over all. It's very uplifting. To see people so committed - even if it's for a short time - to improving their lives. But...
And that's a wrap! Week 3 of the Ultimate Reset is done, and I'm blown away by the progress I have made! Avocado and Cucumber soup with Roasted veggies I will start this wrap up post by saying that I did NOT do this perfectly! I followed the...
So, I am finished with Week 1 of my Ultimate Reset! If you missed the first blog post about the reset, it is HERE. You can read there about why I decided to give the reset a go. Breakfast Day 1 RESULTS FROM WEEK 1 Some of...