Summer Soul Food Focus!
Did you have a lovely Memorial Day?

I’m in AWE every year as we celebrate this patriotic holiday, and I never want to take for granted the freedoms that men and women have died for. I gave the boys an assignment to do yesterday to research the holiday and share with Matt and me why we celebrate. I definitely want to pass on to my children the importance of this holiday we celebrate, and ensure that they are a generation who remembers as well!
Just like I want to pass on patriotism to my boys, I also want to pass on a great love for their bodies and educate them on why FOOD is GOOD! I’ve been thinking a lot about this as I head into 40 days of Whole Foods for myself!
Starting TODAY, I am cutting out:
- Dairy
- Alcohol
- Sugar & Artificial Sugars
- Grains
- Legumes
Sound hard? It probably will be for a week or two as I adjust to cutting out some regular things in my diet… specifically CHEESE! I love cheese!
But I’m here for it, because my gut is NOT in a healthy place, and I want to figure out WHY!
Just like I tell my kids, “We can do HARD things!”
And I know God is telling me to help other women do this too! Maybe you are at a point where you need a RESTART! Well, I’m focusing on JUST THAT in my 30 DAY June special challenge group!
- We are going to be learning about FOOD as FUEL!
- Cutting out foods that may be causing you inflammation.
- And studying the Fruits of the Spirit in regards to our fitness journey! (Gal 5:22-23)
- A weekly meal plan + access to your own self-paced Nutrition Course!
Does this sound like something you could get excited about!?
Good! I’ve got 10 spots that are first come, first served!