Summer of Stewardship

If you follow me on IG @racheljmitchell, I shared that I have been tracking my portions & simultaneously tracking my macros these last few weeks. Why?
Because I am nerdy like that and wanted to see how my portions translate into macros (fats, carbs and protein) as well as calories. And I LOVE learning. It’s been cool to tweak my portions to match my goal of more of God’s carbs and more protein! I’m feeling great in that area, but noticed that I was eating more foods that don’t jive well with my gut!
So I’m going back to BASICS this week to eat foods that promote a healthy gut for me and ELIMINATE those that don’t!
For me, those unfriendly foods include:
- Dairy
- Sugar
- Alcohol
- Grains
- Corn
- Most Legumes
Sound restrictive? Yeah, I thought so at first too, but I’m finding that it’s LIFE GIVING to eat foods that don’t cause stress and inflammation in my body! And there are FAR MORE foods I CAN eat than I cannot!
I’m keeping my food simple this week (see meal plan above) and continuing to track my portions as I eat gut friendly!

Which brings me to what Summer of Stewardship is all about! If you know me, you know I LOVE words. Strong words Words that lead us to take ACTION!
And God has had this word on my hear for MONTHS! That usually means He is leading me somewhere with it, so…….
This group is going to run all Summer long and is about:
❇️ Simple on-line nutrition course you take and have for ALWAYS!
❇️ Workouts that fit YOUR goals!
❇️ Weekly Meal Plans, and by the end you’re creating your OWN! And drinking my daily superfood shake 🌱 once a day.
❇️ Digging deep to study STEWARDSHIP of the good things God has given us (faith, health, family, money) ♥️
I’ve even made you your own STEWARDSHIP tracker! ⭐️
❇️ Recipes that you’ll love and ZERO “diet” mentality!
❇️ Results + Results + More Results! 💥💪🏻
10 spots open and enrollment closes the 15th!
Grab your bibles and fill out the link below if you’re in!