Seeking Silence
I have been strangely drawn to this idea of silence lately.
I’ve been reading/listening to Shauna Niequists Present Over Perfect – Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living the past week.
I’ll be honest. I shared with a friend, that I bought this book long ago. When it released and all the hype surrounding it was so great. But I started it and didn’t love it. I didn’t feel connected to it. I couldn’t relate.
You see? I’m a busy chick by nature. Ask my husband…he calls me the Tasmanian Devil.
I THRIVE on movement. Always having a project or something to do or someone to help. I rarely seek silence. And when I’m alone getting ready or in the car or on a run, I fill the silence with music or podcasts.
It’s not a bad thing necessarily…until it is. Until I find my soul is thirsty for silence. Until I find the constant desire and distraction of checking my email, messenger, phone is cutting into my alone time with God.
“When you choose to spend time in solitude, without being accessible or available to others, you are left with just yourself and God. Solitude provides an opportunity to assess where you’re finding your worth. If a few moments of solitude leave you itching to check your phone or e-mail, you may need to ask the Lord to help you determine if you’re truly finding your value in Him.” If Equip
… Ouch!
In a world that pushes us to discover more, earn more, get more likes, more comments, more everything, our much needed solitude in getting alone with God can suffer.
So I find myself being drawn to the silence…even my IF Equip study the past two days has pointed me there!
It is in this still and quiet place, with no distractions, except maybe for God’s creation, that we are forced into communion with Him. I was created to know Him, to worship Him, to seek Him. My heart naturally turns toward Him when all other strikings and distractions cease.
Luke 5:16 even shows us that “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”
You may be thinking, “yeah that’s great, but WHERE am I gonna find even 10 minutes of quiet for this?” Good question!
I don’t have all the answers, but I do trust that if your heart and mine are seeking God, He will provide. And it doesn’t have to look perfect and beautiful and picturesque.
Maybe it’s 10 minutes alone in the shower. Maybe it’s on the ride home from work with the radio on and your phone on silent. Maybe it’s skipping lunch with co workers and taking a sandwich outside by yourself. Or once a week while your kiddos nap or your husband is outside playing ball with them.
And I promise. I have been practicing this already and I know first hand. God will show up. He will speak to you. Sometimes it’s truth that isn’t pretty, but will help you realize your purpose and your worth are in Him and not the other places we have been seeking it.