Phase 2
Ok, I have to be honest….my commitment level this last week of Phase 1 has not been stellar!
I fudged on timed nutrition and justified it in my brain….It’s too early. My body doesn’t REALLY need those nutrients before I workout. My results won’t change that much.
Well, if you’re anything like me, when you start to fudge and excuse a little….the downhill slide happens. I lost ZERO weight!
But I did lose 5 inches! Mostly from my waist and hips! 👊🏻
I am ALWAYS a work in progress my friends. And that’s what makes this journey of helping other women so special. I don’t reach a stopping point. I don’t do this perfectly. I have off days and even weeks! But I am CONSISTENTLY showing up with the help of my peeps!
And they are getting results too! Collectively, thus far, my 80 day boot campers and I have lost…..over 80 inches together in this round! Ah!
Phase 2
So, now! In Phase 2, I actually get to eat MORE food! The workouts are going to be a little more intense and a lot more challenging! I’ve also built more muscles, so it’s important to fuel those muscles to keep them strong! And lean! Here is my meal plan for this week. If you have questions, just click on the photo to email me!
Excited to see what Phase 2 brings!
Elimination Bootcamp
My MISSION as a coach is to show other women what has worked for me. To empower and encourage women to love their bodies because Christ loved them first. To help YOU see your full potential as servant, wife, mom, teacher – wherever you’re at in life and that you DON’T have to exist in a vicious cycle of defeat when it comes to your body!!!!! 👯♀️
Ready to LINK ARMS and end the cycle together?!? I’ve got 3 spots left in my Elimination Bootcamp that starts Monday!!
If you’d like to get in FIGHTING shape NOW (and maybe pop out some abs before your next trip 🌴
😉), I’ve got a new Bootcamp starting the 19th!!! You’ll be READY for your own Phase 1!!!
👉🏻 same home workouts I do
👉🏻 same meal plans I follow
👉🏻 same superfoods I drink
👉🏻 same awesome group of women who motivate me every single day!
👉🏻 same RESULTS if you follow the plan!