Overnight Oatmeal
Let’s face it. When you are trying to eat clean, breakfast is the hardest time to do that! So, overnight oats are all the rage now, and they are pretty yummy…and I’m not really an oatmeal person.
What the heck are overnight oats, you ask??? Just that. Oats that have been soaked in some type of liquid overnight and absorb all of the water. You can add seasoning, fruit, nuts, whatever your little heart desires!
Here is a basic recipe to get started:
1/3 c rolled oats (steel cut is the best)
1/3-1/2 c milk (2% or almond milk)
1/3 plain yogurt
1/2 tbsp chia seeds
salt to taste
1/4 tsp of cinnamon*
*You can add nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice, anything special you would like to season it.
Mix all of this together, stick it in the fridge to marinate, and VOILA! In the morning, you have a cup of oatmeal that you can add to. Super simple, super healthy breakfast!