Our New Normal
Day 3 of official Coronavirus quarantine, and we are rocking right along!
My boys are technically still on Spring Break, as they get two full weeks, but they’re not going back for some time, so we are just jumping into school work and creating a new normal.
Praise GOD that I am able to work my coaching business from home or anywhere I am, and that I can easily transition our little family into this new schedule.
I went live today on social media sharing some resources we are using and about our day, but it’s always easier to expound and share resources here, so I am !
Our Schedule
Obviously, one of the joys of being at home is that we don’t HAVE to have a schedule, but we just function BEST with a routine. As I’m sure you and yours do too. So, every evening I map out a plan for the next day in a simplified planner. There are not a lot of places to go outside our home at this point, so it’s fairly simple.
I want to ensure the boys have plenty of movement and outside time right now to keep them active and not glued to a tv or device. So I am intertwining their work with activity.

Here is a sample day:
8:00 am – Breakfast and devotion
9:00 am – Play time outside
10:00 am – Workbook work {I work during this time beside them}
11:00 am – Play time if their work is done
12:00 pm – Lunch and reading for 30 minutes from a book
1:00 pm – Creative time, experiment or learn something new
1:30 pm – walk with me {they don’t always love it, but I’m not taking this time for granted!}
2:00- 4:00 pm – they play, and I work!
That’s where we are this week! I am sure we will have to bump up the focus on school work as we move forward, but for now, I am grateful for this extra time with them. To experience life with them. To be a part of their education, and to be able to shape and mold their little minds!
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Comprehensive Curriculum Workbook
Printable Worksheets for Science {we worked on this today}
Janice Goodlin
March 19, 2020 at 7:50 pmLove this. Good job!