January is right around the corner! I promise that I just got used to writing 2014, and now I have to try to remember 2015. This absolutely BLOWS. MY. MIND!!!
With each new year come New Year Resolutions, for most people. I have never really been a resolution kind of person. Honestly, that is because I was never very good at making changes and making them stick…
I would try to clean up my eating or focus on getting to the gym regularly, but life would quickly get in the way, especially after kids, and I would lose my motivation even faster!!!! I remember feeling so defeated over and over again. I used to be a person who hated failure in myself. My views have since changed, but I used to really let it get to me. I thought failure was such an awful thing that I would purposefully begin to stay AWAY from resolutions. What was the point? I was only going to fail again, right???
WRONG!!!! That was Satan talking me into a state of fear and complacency. He knew that if I was complacent and content to stay in a place where I was afraid to step out on faith and try to improve my health, then I would be less reliant on God. Without God, I was unable to start getting healthy and STAY on that path.

Thankfully, God had other plans. I decided in May of this year that I HAD to make a change. I was tired, cranky, uncomfortable and needed to be the opposite of all those things for my family and to improve my walk with God. How could I serve Him if I would not trust Him fully with my problems? I started praying and began the 21 Day Fix.
Soon after that I found my coach, Melanie and joined her 30 challenge group. It changed so much for me!!! It became a place where I could come every day and share my struggles. There were other people in the group who struggled with me. I received encouragement and support. That coupled with bible study and prayer brought huge results for me. I began to realized that getting healthy was not meant to be a temporary fix. Something I did until I could fit back into my clothes and then quit.
God intended for us to take care of our bodies !!! That meant that on a regular basis, I need to be fueling my body with the things He created for it. Vegetables, fruits, lean means, healthy fats. So many options and so many wonderful flavors!!!!
So this year, I want to invite you to join me on the journey I have started. My January challenge group begins on January 5th. I am taking up to 10 challengers, and some spots are already filled!!! If you want to join us, I would love to help you find a program that you will love and that will work for you!!!
The group will provide:
- Accountability
- Support
- Motivation
- Fun Giveaways
- Recipes
- Emotional Eating Tips
- Help with Self-Image Issues
I am so privileged to be able to help people as a coach. I know without a doubt that God brought me to a place of discomfort so that I could change my outlook on my health in order to help others.
If you can relate to any of this and are ready for a lifestyle change instead of making a resolution over and over each year, please join me. I would love to help you! Fill out the challenge group application below, and tell me what your goals are. I will get back with you ASAP!
If you are interested in helping other in this way and would like to learn more about coaching, fill out my coach application to the right of this page!
Fill out my online form.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Online contact and registration forms from