My Routine & Week 2 Review of 22 Minute Hard Corps
Oh my goodness! What a whirlwind these past two weeks have been!!! I have to admit that I have felt more unprepared than ever in a workout program. But simplicity and routine go a long way in achieving goals!
I am a pretty consistent meal planner. As you probably know if you’ve followed me very long. And I can be pretty consistent with my workouts. They’re my ME time. They come AFTER my quiet time in God’s word and in prayer. Honestly, my health motivates me a great deal, but it’s these quiet moments with God that I crave more than anything.
I gain direction and clarity in where I’m going. I feed off of reading the Bible and God’s direct words to us as believers. I don’t know about you, but I was drifting for and wide before I came to Christ. Lost in a sea of the lies the world fed. Uncertain about each day and every relationship in my life.
MAN! I’m grateful for salvation and the grace God so eagerly bestows upon us!
Back to ROUTINE! Today is Sunday. I created my meal plan last week, and today I am prepping for a successful week. Without a little planning and prepping, I would NEVER stay on track. I can assure you of this!
So, I’ve got my meal plan. It’s printed out, and I shared it with my challengers to make sure they have something to go by if they need it.
And this afternoon, I will spend 30 minutes prepping. Since I’m doing the 3 Day Refresh Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I need to cook my carrots, chop my fresh veggies, and make sure I have the ingredients for dinner. Which really isn’t that difficult. And WATER!!! Lots and lots of water….and dang it, I forgot to get it at Kroger (see? I don’t do it perfectly either…)
And I will prep food for Matt and the boys. It’s a family affair!
SO many people are intimidated by this part of getting fit. I hear so often that people don’t know where to start or they don’t have time.
First of all, as a coach, that is what I’m here for. To put the correct tools in your hands and walk you through the meal planning and prep process. Actually, that’s why I’m sharing this today. To help people who may never be my challengers.
Secondly, you DO have time. You just have to make it a PRIORITY.
For me, this is my prevention. I have shared about my PMDD and my high cholesterol. Both of which have the potential to greatly impact my life in a negative way.
I can either take the time and the energy to pour into PREVENTING these issues with my health, or I can wait until they have a done destructive things to my body and I have to go and get my blood drawn every six months because I’m on statin drugs that are NOT good for me.
I choose this.
I choose to be proactive.
I choose to treat my body the way God intended and do all that I can to live a healthy and fulfilling life.
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22 Minute Hard Corps Meal Plan |
I have tried lots of new workout programs over the past two years. Some for fun, some searching for serious results, and some so that I can find out if they would benefit my challengers and meet their needs.
If I am being honest, I did not expect a great deal from 22 Minute Hard Corps. Sure the time factor would benefit me, especially since I leave my house before 7:00 am every morning, but other than that, I did NOT think a workout that short could produce changes.
But I have to eat my words on that one.
Last week, I was checking in with my challenge group, and I told them that I hadn’t measured but I thought my hips were shrinking…
You know how some days, you just feel leaner? I thought that’s all it was.
But after a few days of clothes that felt looser through the hips, I decided to measure.
After just TWO weeks of following this program, I have lost an INCH off of my hips! And another inch off of my waist!!! How crazy is that?
I haven’t really lost in weight, but who cares!!! For a girl who has always had to go up a size in jeans because my waist and hips didn’t match my legs, I am thrilled!
And just to make sure you understand…those 22 minutes are NO JOKE!!! I am so motivated by a challenge, and Tony brings it HARD CORPS!!!!
The name totally makes sense now 😉
So, I am moving into Week 3 of this 8 week program. And I am absolutely PUMPED about where this will take me. I feel stronger, leaner, and more confident in what I am doing.
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Click on Photo to Join Event |
I am currently looking for 10 women to join me. Women who want to get started but don’t know how. Women who want to learn new habits and routine and need the tools and guidance to do so.
If that is you, send me an email to janzenmitch@outlook.com or leave your info below.
Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to focus on your fitness.
Let’s do this!