My Post Vacation Nutrition Plan!

I haven’t shared a meal plan here in a while… sorry about that!
Sometimes I’m so focused on simply serving my family and my clients, I forget to share on my blog! I love this little space of the internet, and I pray it truly blesses you whether you join me in The Full Life Project or as a business partner on Team Take Heart.. or not!
I have been sharing here about my commitment to a year without alcohol and sugar. I have a special prayer partner, Melissa, that is doing this with me, and we text every single morning sharing from our quiet time with God and what He is revealing to us on this journey.
I cannot tell you what this has done in my own walk with Him adequately, so I won’t try. I’ll just encourage you to dig deep, get into God’s word, pray and ask Him to reveal what you could/should give up to know Him better. I promise you that anything this world has to offer PALES in comparison to hearing more clearly from God!
With that, I do need to share with you that I decided to save a glass of something special for celebratory occasions, so I have had a glass of bubbly a couple of times with family and to celebrate our anniversary!
But today marks day 71 of this journey! Six months ago, you never could have convinced me I would go this long without that weekly glass of wine or sugary treat a few times a week!
But God…
And now that I’m back from our little vacation, I sense God telling me to get back to focusing on fueling my body with the foods that FUEL it in the BEST ways.

Earlier this year, I completed the Whole 30 – although not officially, because I kept Shakeology in my weekly diet.
If you’re not familiar, the Whole 30 plan eliminates
- Dairy
- Sugar & Artificial Sugar
- Alcohol
- Graines
- Legumes
Sounds hard right?
It was at first but as I committed and looked for new ways to eat my favorite foods without these, I began to feel amazing!
My brain fog disappeared; my sleep improved; I lots inches in places I really need to, and I began to find a renewed love for taking care of my body!
And funny enough, I began to experience more clarity and joy in my time with the Lord!
So after a few days of grains, fries, dairy and more, I knew I wanted to get back to this plan.
Hence the meal plan above! (I did notice I left cheese on there… I won’t be having cheese!)
I hope this inspires you to dig deeper into your own nutrition and identify foods that don’t serve you well, but more importantly, foods that DO serve you well!
There are lots out there just waiting to be enjoyed!
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