This Mommy’s Most Prayed Scripture Verses for My Boys
If you’re like me and my parenting……
you do it all perfectly…
HAHA!!! Gotcha!!!! Not even close!
I foul up majorly as a mom All.The.Time!
And if we are sharing honestly, one of my biggest struggles is stopping to pray through the hard times, the hard days, the times of fear and doubt regarding my children!
I don’t know how people parent without God, honestly. I wouldn’t have a clue how to get through the tantrums, the sleepless nights, the words that come out of their sweet and innocent mouths that I never could have imagined!
But I’m thankful I have God. I have His word. I have His instruction.
I have been reading through Famous In Heaven and At Home: a 31 Day Character Study of the Proverbs 31 Woman by Michelle Myers this last week, and I am so humbled by it. And convicted.
I know I am not alone in my struggles. It helps to read the words of another woman I respect so greatly for her faith and to realize that she too has difficulty controlling her anger and folding the laundry with joy in her heart…
But more than that, it has been so wonderful to read through Proverbs 31 and realize that it is NOT a rule book for me as a wife and a mom, but rather a peak to the character that a woman of Christ can achieve.
I cannot and will not do it perfectly, because I am NOT perfect….no big shocker to those who live here with me…
With that said, there ARE some scripture verses that I hold near and dear to my heart and that get prayed often during this season of my life as a mom. Although not nearly often enough.
And I wanted to share them with you, in the hopes that they encourage some other imperfect, God-fearing, stretched to the limit mommy!
I’ll be the first to admit. I am NOT good with finances. And just like in my physical health, the financial health of our family impacts ALL of us.
I see stuff I want; there’s money in the bank account, and I buy it! Especially when it comes to the boys. I definitely need to work on the contentment part of this verse.
I really want to teach my children that happiness and joy are not found in material wealth. I want my joy to emanate because of my faith in Christ. So I pray this verse often over our finances and my own personal desires.
Children grow into their faith by HEARING the word of God. Children learn about sin and separation from God from hearing about it. They learn about salvation by hearing others share it with them. I am a very practical person who likes to have things laid out for me. I know that I myself must first possess belief in God and accept salvation for ME, but after that I am responsible for SHARING it with my children.
Ahhh, that magical trait that all mommies want to embody…yet few of us do. Romans 5 offers such a sweet promise. That all those tantrums, lost tempers, difficult days and hours will produce Endurance, Character and Hope if we allow them to. Such a great prayer for the struggling mommy!
As much as it overwhelms me today, I know that some day I will be pleased to see my boys fall in love and marry someone who makes them happy. And now, even as Henry is 7 and Milo is 5, Matt and I pray for the woman that God will send for each of them.
We pray that she loves Jesus more than him. That she is whole and righteous and upright. That she will serve him and love him selflessly. That she would be wise and bold in her faith. And that each of them would grow into the type of man who is a loving and firm leader in his own home someday.
Henry and Milo both have very strong personalities. They are very different, but both possess the traits to become incredibly strong and influential leaders. Oh, how I pray often that God uses Henry’s ability and desire to lead for good. That he uses Milo’s tenacity and stubbornness to stand for what he believes is right.
I know that no matter what happens in this November election or the ones following, the future ahead of us as Christians will not be an easy one. And I know that my boys are heading straight into the thick of it.
Oh that God would “establish their steps.” That He would go before them and make their paths straight. That He would help them to resist temptation and flee from it. That when they succumb, that they would believe His promise of forgiveness!
Those are some of the scripture verses I carry in my heart. For now and for the future of my children.
I pray that for anyone reading this that it brings you hope and joy. I truly believe that the prayers I pray NOW for my boys will carry far into the future.
God bless you sweet mommies!