My Favorite Mobile Devotion Apps
Part of my morning ritual each day is to spend time with God FIRST thing!
Before I open Facebook or my email.
Before I push Play on my workout.
Before ANYTHING!!!
Well, in truth, I get up and brush my teeth first. That really tends to wake me up!
I crave time in God’s word. I’m thankful for that. I’ve prayed for that.
It is the best way to start my day and really helps me to focus on the things that are important in my life.
And while I do love more than anything to open my actual copy of the Bible – I feel like that’s what it was made for – I do have some pretty incredible apps that I supplement with that speak DIRECTLY to where I’m at in my life as a wife, mom, coach and leader!
This is a view of the File on my iPhone with my apps. It’s intentionally titled “Love” because that is what I want to view my devotion time as. Focusing on God’s love and pouring it back to Him during that time! (My banking app is there too, because I want to be reminded to be a good steward of what He has given me…but I won’t show you that! )
My Favorites include:
The Bible App by YouVersion
It’s a very simple app that allows you to choose Plans to follow. As you see here, one of my favorites is “God’s Dream for Your Life” that one of my awesome coaches told me about. The app guides you through each day with a devotion and scripture references for each.
And there are also some great plans for families, marriages, teens, etc.
She Works His Way
This is a devotion app created specifically for business women. This week the devotions are focused on Christmas and the key roles played by Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth and so forth. But on a regular basis, the focus is on running a Godly business and not losing sight of the roles God has originally placed us in. For example, being a wife and mom and not allowing all business goals to over ride that. The devotions are short and sweet and always pack a punch!
The First 5
This app is by Lysa Terkeurst and the Proverbs 31 team. It’s also a short morning devotion supported by scripture. The posts almost always hit home, and are applicable to my day to day life as a woman of God. The devotions are written by different women, so there are usually lots of different perspectives which equal lots of learning opportunities!
In Touch Ministries
And finally, this is one by Dr. Charles Stanley that Matt and I both read. This devotion has some strong spiritual MEAT to it! There are no cutting corners or sugar coating the gospel here! Not that the others do, but this one is all focused on just truly understand who Jesus is and getting that message out!
This devotion really supplements my daily scripture reading and gives me solid foundational truths to understand my faith better, and to be able to share it with others!
Now, I don’t spend my brief 30 minutes in the morning with God reading ALL of these. I will choose one or two and really focus on it and prayer time. God almost ALWAYS speaks to me during this time when I’m truly seeking Him. And I wouldn’t trade it for all the workouts or sleep in the world!
I’m not super holy or religious because I do this. I’m just a girl who NEEDS the salvation, hope and guidance that God provides me through Jesus Christ.
I hope this helps someone today. Gives you some ideas or opens up your quiet time with God some more!
Merry Christmas