My 30 Day Food Journey

“The first wealth is health.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
I heard somewhere recently that the food we eat is either making us more healthy or less. There is no neutral food.
And I’ve been convicted. That I’ve turned to food for comfort, entertainment, out of boredom, in celebration and out of plain habit in a way that isn’t healthy and doesn’t match up with what I teach my boot campers. Nor am I setting a good example for the family God has entrusted me with!
Sisters, when we take back our kitchens, we take back our health.
Since the invention of microwaves (or round about then ) health has taken a backseat to convenience.
We’ve been convinced that pre-packaged, shrink wrapped, and fast-food has given us our life back. But in reality all the junk and preservatives has led to depression, obesity, heart disease and acid reflux !
And after this season of watching junk food be the main focus, I’m ready to not only get back on track for myself, but also in helping my family do the same. I also know what WORKS and how much better my body operates when I am fueling it the right way.
And I must also deliver a hard truth that food will never replace the hole in our soul that only Jesus will fill. God gave us food to sustain us, but only Jesus the source of life through His provision of salvation .
Physical food gives us calories which give us energy. Not life or love or acceptance. Therefore, this will be a spiritual journey for 30 days as well as a nutritional one.
Listen To Learn More About My Plan
“I will live with a heart of integrity in my house.
Psalm 101:2-3
3I will not let anything worthless guide me.“
You’re Welcome to Join Me!
Healthy choices start with US. Healthy families begin in OUR kitchens.
Healthy meals CAN be simple and quick.
If you are ready for the same, join me and some beautiful ladies as we start a New Years Revolution?!?
CLICK HERE to contact me. Let’s THRIVE together and help our families do the same!L
My Week One Meal Plan