Following Where He Leads
Today I am humbled by how God has used me through coaching. There are days when it is tougher than others. When the demands of work, family, service and coaching all seem to compound and weigh heavy on this momma’s soul. Don’t get me wrong, I truly am loving it, but you understand I’m sure. Some days are harder than others. And since coaching is newest, it is sometimes the thing that I wonder if I need to scale back on first.
When these concerns cloud my mind, I always go straight to God for answers and direction. I don’t know if you read it, but I posted that my word for 2015 is Follow. I want to Follow God where HE wants me to go. Not where Rachel wants to be, but I want to be directly in the center of HIS plan for my life. In every area of my life!!! I don’t want my own doubts and fears to get in the way, and I don’t want to take away from any area of my service to Him. When these concerns come, God has always provided me with clear direction.
I am reaffirmed daily that coaching is supposed to be a part of my life right here and right now. Sometimes it is through my children comment on how healthy we eat or when Matt tells me he is proud of me for my dedication and hard work. Sometimes it is through the words of a challenger who struggled so long and so hard with weight loss and self image. But now they have found support and encouragement through our challenge groups that has really changed their mindset and their progress.
Just today, I woke up to a message from a challenger who has struggled a great deal with her health and her weight. She was stuck and couldn’t move forward. She messaged me to tell me that in one week, since she has been cleaning up her eating and doing the 21 Day Fix workouts, that she has lost 7 lbs!!!!!! SEVEN!!! She is hopeful, energized and just down right excited! And I am able to be a part of that! Confirmation that God is using me.
Then I look at my own life. I know this may be hard to believe, but I used to be a pretty unhealthy person. It may not have shown on the outside, and I’m not sure I realized it myself, but I definitely was. I used to stop most mornings for breakfast on the road, because it was easier. I leave my house before 7:00 a.m every morning, so it was convenient…or at least that is what I told myself. Do you know what I ate for breakfast each morning? Either a couple of donuts and a Diet Coke or a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit and a Diet Coke….No doubt I was slowly killing myself.
Now, I drink my shake every single morning…and I love it! I skip the McDonald’s drive thru, which means my kids do too when they’re with me. My family’s health has improved so much…because God led me to change my own personal health and to help others who are ready for a change as well!
I get up every single morning and push Play on my workout DVD. Are there days when I don’t want to? Of course! But trust me, I can appreciate the accountability of challenge groups. When I started last May with the 21 Day Fix, Shakeology, clean eating and my first challenge group, I was not prepared for what lay ahead of me. I know that there are days when you don’t want to push play, you don’t want to make a healthy choice and you don’t want to drink your Shakeology, but you know that you are accountable to the people in your challenge group and to your coach so you do it anyways! Let’s face it, no one wants to report in each day that you cheated, messed up, didn’t follow the plan or that you quit! It’s a whole other level of accountability!
When I am talking to a potential challenger and they comment, “wow that’s really expensive” I chuckle inside! Not because I think they are wrong, but because I know that I thought the same thing at first. I remember feeling like the investment was not worth it! That a bag of powder and a bunch of DVDs were not going to transform by body! But I was desperate for results and I couldn’t stand the way I looked any longer and I was willing to give it a shot!
A challenge pack is so much more than Shakeology in a bag, a T25, or 21 Day Fix Workout program, free shipping and a discounted price! Its about having someone on the other end to make sure that you open that program, that you press play on day 1, day 7 day 14 and at the end! It’s having someone to lift you up when you get in a rut or have a bad day and someone to carry you when you feel your strength is gone! I get to be that person, which is beyond cool!!!!
So, tomorrow I will get up and push Play again. I will follow my meal plan. I will feed my family what I know will fuel their bodies and keep them healthy. I will post about my workouts and meal plans. I will check in with challengers. I will encourage my coaches to set goals and reach them. I will do it all, because I know that is what God wants me to do. He is using me, and so long as that is happening, I will follow Him on this journey.
So, tomorrow I will get up and push Play again. I will follow my meal plan. I will feed my family what I know will fuel their bodies and keep them healthy. I will post about my workouts and meal plans. I will check in with challengers. I will encourage my coaches to set goals and reach them. I will do it all, because I know that is what God wants me to do. He is using me, and so long as that is happening, I will follow Him on this journey.