More Nourishment… More Freedom! Meet Lynde.

Meet my very dear friend and client, Lynde!
She began Dig Deeper with me in January, and her testimony is just so powerful I had to share with you here! The following are HER words about her experiencing with eating MORE food to fuel her body and lifting weights to build strength! I am just in AWE of how God is moving with this program!
“When I heard about a new program focusing on weight lifting and legit muscle building I was already in. Weight lifting is my favorite form of exercise and the more I read about being a woman over 40, the more important building AND keeping muscle is. But then Rachel told me this program also required a change in our eating habits. A big change for me! The program needs fuel for your body to work and build and those days of 1500 calories weren’t going to cut it. When I calculated my calorie intake I was shocked…it was telling me to eat 2100-2400 calories a day.
This honestly terrified me. With a long history of eating disorders, I have come a long way and healed a lot, BUT I’ve clung to the deficit for a really long time. But in that deficit of 1200-1500 calories a day, my body wasn’t losing weight anymore. It was actually putting weight on in my middle. I was not able to keep lean muscle mass if I veered off course at all. I actually told my husband my body felt like it was always fighting. I experienced inflammation a lot. I began to experience hormone imbalances and the thyroid issues I’d had since college, were also in need of extra attention again. I was beginning to experience hair loss. In addition, I was just tired, hungry, and stuck.
Even though that new calorie number scared me, there was something in me that breathed a sigh of relief. How nice would it be to actually eat and have room to eat? To feel more satisfied, more nourished? Freedom?! Rachel kept telling us it would heal our metabolism.
For a few days, it felt really counterintuitive. I felt like I was breaking all the rules. I felt weird giving myself permission to eat. But then I began the workouts and knew right away I needed this fuel. These workouts pushed me…in ways I like to be pushed, but haven’t done in awhile or maybe ever. As I ate more, I felt more energy in my workouts, more strength. For the first few days I did feel slightly bloated, but nothing worse than I had already been experiencing.
I wasn’t having a lot of cravings, because I was full and satisfied. My sweet cravings were gone almost completely.
By the second week when I took measurements, I was already losing inches. I was shocked! Usually it takes my body a good 6 weeks to do anything on a new program. I actually think it would go into survival mode worrying I was starving it again until it realized I wasn’t. But really I was, I have been…for a long time. My husband mentioned he thought I had been starving my body for 30 years. This time I was eating WITH the work and it didn’t have to fight.
It was allowing my body to be able to function well AND thrive.

At week 6, I’ve lost inches every week (a total of 7 inches so far )even on vacation! I don’t know my weight changes because I no longer own a scale, but my progress pics show positive changes. My clothes are changing and fitting differently for the better. But the most important change has been mentally. My mindset is completely different…I don’t hyper focus so much on food, I don’t worry so much about what I’m eating or not eating, I’m just happy to choose healthy fuel for my body. I have energy. I have strength. my workouts while hard, do not feel impossible. And then just recently, the hair loss I was experiencing, has started to improve and reverse.
Even my children are seeing the benefits of ample, healthy food and tell me they are so happy to see me able to enjoy more food and relax more. We have had lots of good conversations about how we care for these bodies and make good decisions.
While praying and thanking God for this new season of healing, it dawned on me that God does not want us to eat in a way that harms our bodies. God does not want us to have to choose a way that is completely unsustainable for a healthy and strong body. It does need to be whole, healthy foods…foods God gave us, but it was not meant for us to choose such restriction that it harms us or stops our bodies from working the way he intended. I cannot recommend this process more or the camaraderie of these Dig Deeper groups more!!! Life changing!”
Is it Time to Write Your Own Story?
If there is ONE thing I want you to hear today, it’s that you don’t need to WAIT ANY LONGER to start writing your own story! If you’ve battled the vicious cycle of self defeat in your fitness for too long, it’s time to TURN NORTH! This Dig Deeper Program has been so effective for so many women, I decided to open a new round for YOU! JOIN US! Pick up some weights, eat more food, pray over what God wants for your beautiful body!
If you’re in, or simply want more info, use this link, and I will be in your INBOX asap!