I’m a mom. I get it. I have two little boys who LOVE their mommy and who NEED me. I love getting to be that for them. That God gifted me with the privilege of caring for them, loving them, and leading them.
I have a husband who ADORES me and would do anything for me. But he also NEEDS my attention and what I can offer him as his wife. I am so grateful to Matt Mitchell’s wife.
But one thing I’ve really learned over the past two years is that I cannot fulfill these roles as wife and mom unless I am taking care of ME!
Is it easy to make time for that? No.
Is it necessary? Yes!
So how do we do it? How do we fit in our devotions, fitness, meal planning and prepping and fellowship ALL while meeting their needs.
Honestly?? We MAKE time for it.
Don’t let that statement make you angry….Bear with me.
I learned the hard way that what took precedence in my life were the things I was making time for. I’m about to get really real here, but stick with me, please.
That listed included but is not limited to:
- late nights watching my favorite shows
- trips to Wendy’s for my favorite fried chicken sandwich
- money for new shoes but not for a healthy meal option
- time for scrolling through Facebook but not for my husband
- time for an extra 30 minutes of sleep but not for 1:1 time with my God
And do you know where all of those things got me?
- full of the lies the world had to tell me
- unhealthy
- disgusted with my body
- farther away from God than I had been in a while
- lonely
And when momma’s unhappy, ain’t nobody happy! TRUTH!
This verse from Proverbs 31 speaks so much truth into how we are to take care of our loved ones and take care of our families simultaneously.
There is one word to sum it up – Planning.
Sounds simple doesn’t it? But I know it’s not sweet friend. But it IS possible.
It hasn’t been easy for me, and I haven’t done it perfectly. And it has most definitely taken sacrifice.
This Proverbs 31 woman that we all study so intensely wasn’t perfect either, but this verse clearly tells us that she took time to clothe herself. And not just any old clothes, but in fine linen and purple (which denotes royalty).
She prioritized her family AND her own person.
And here are some tips I have learned over the past couple of years:
1. If it doesn’t strengthen your relationship with God or your family, get rid of it!
#1 on that list for me was television. I found myself watching shows I wouldn’t want anyone to know I was watching and staying up late to watch them. That cut into my sleep time which affected my ability to wake early for devotion and exercise. Not to mention the damage it was doing to my relationship with God and my ability to block out the world’s influences.
2. Find your “me-time”.
For me that meant going to bed earlier and waking up at 4:30 a.m. just to spend time with God. I know that if I don’t do it early when no one is up, it won’t happen at all. Or it won’t get done with much intention.
Same goes for exercise. I have to do it early, or it just doesn’t get done. My focus is on my family once they are up, and now with church, sports, homework and bedtime, I know that MY time has to be done early to be done well.
3. When prioritizing, think about what you want to be remembered for.
I like to spend $$$. I’m not gonna lie. My spending habits have gotten us in trouble many times as a family. That’s hard to admit, but it’s something I have to work on. When I think about my spending, I have begun to ask myself: “Does this purchase honor God?” “Does this purchase benefit my family?” “Do I want my children to remember me for following God and honoring Him with our money, or do I want them to remember that pretty dress Mommy wore that time?”
Oh, how I struggle with this one. I’m a multi-tasker. I love to have twelve different things going at once! And often times I try to make time for my family, for myself, for my business all at one time!!! That is NOT productive. No matter how much I convince myself it is.
And just like I need to prioritize time with my family, I need to make time for ME a priority. All on it’s own! Even if it’s just 10 minutes a day. Or maybe it’s an hour for a massage or pedicure. Or those 30 minutes for a workout. SET IT ASIDE!!! Plan it! Put it on your calendar and be PRESENT during that time. Think, pray, plan, set goals for yourself, but focus on getting healthier during that time! Getting stronger – BODY and SOUL!!! You won’t regret it, and you will return to your family stronger and happier because of it.
Ok, mommas, YOU are important! Your family needs you to be healthy and happy for them.
Set a goal to do ONE of these things this week and see how it goes. Deal?