Ministry is Messy

Our SECOND trip of the summer was a World Changers trip to Miami, FL with our youth group. This was the FIRST time I have been able to take a church trip with BOTH of the boys, so this was a very, very cool experience for this mama.
We left for NINE days with about 22 people in two 15 passenger vans to make the long trek from Mississippi to Miami. With a few stops along the way and one hotel stay, we made it safely, and I’m happy to say, sans drama to our lodgings! Our mission for the trip was to break up into two teams, with one leading VBS at a local Haitian church and the other helping out at a local apartment facility with games, bible lessons and some light construction work.
However, plans change! Upon arriving, we found out that my team, which included Milo, was also going to be helping a LARGE Haitian church corral children for the week. Our mission was honestly unclear, which initially meant a lot of standing around and some slight boredom on the part of the youth! The attendance at this church was MASSIVE and slightly chaotic, which left us all feel a little uncertain of our purpose.
But God! I prayed a lot over the week and the youth that were serving alongside us, knowing that God has us there for a purpose. It was just a matter of letting go of what WE expected it to be and LOOKING for what God intended it to be! It was a SUPER COOL opportunity to teach the youth that even when we don’t know exactly what we should be doing, that we can LOOK for opportunities to serve!
Which is something I’m ALWAYS trying to teach my boys.
When we travel, I tell Henry and Milo to LOOK for people to serve.
When we go to the grocery store, I tell them to LOOK for people to help.

There is always a door that can be held, a bag to be picked up when someone drops it, or a child who just needs a smile and encouraging word.
Isn’t that what MISSIONS is? Serving others right in front of us?

The lessons learned on this trip were invaluable to me as a mom and youth worker. I got to watch my boys grow in their faith, get outside their comfort zones, realize the world is bigger than just their tiny bubble and put on the label of “missionary.” They also learned that ministry can be imperfect, messy and often times leaving us on our toes figuring out what to do when Plan A falls through!

May we ALL be on the lookout today and everyday to be the hands and feet and love of Jesus to those in our world right where we are!