Melt Your Middle, Mama

I prayed so hard over this new focus of my own health and my bootcamps for May. For two years now, I’ve been battling losing weight in my middle, and I’m just DONE with it! While I know that I do not look overweight, I realize that my waist circumference has grown to an unhealthy place for me. Furthermore, my bloodwork reflects that! So it’s TIME for me to get serious about melting my middle with what I EAT, and I thought, “Why not help some other women do it with me?”
Did you know that “For women, a waist measurement of more than 35 inches (89 centimeters) indicates an unhealthy concentration of belly fat and a greater risk of health problems” according to The Mayo Clinic?
Two Types of Belly Fat
While most of us women are concerned with the “subcutaneous” fat we see that makes our clothes tight and affects how we feel in our swimsuits, it’s the visceral fat that is underneath and gathering around our internal organs that’s MOST concerning! (Ironically, I JUST studied this with Henry in his science curriculum!) #hellosignsfromGod

Visceral fat can cause a HOST of health issues that TOO many women are suffering from unnecessarily! A few include:
- Heart disease
- Type 2 diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Abnormal cholesterol
- Breathing problems
But There Is An Answer!
While we all know that in order to lose weight, calories in must be at a deficit to calories out, I believe the answer goes deeper than that! You can eat a full day of processed food at a calorie deficit and lose weight, but not necessarily the visceral fat that’s so unhealthy! I believe calorie counting plus changing the TYPE of food that we eat leads to fat loss, gut healing, and a more slender middle section!
Where To Start!
- Eat more whole foods. Reading through God’s word, it has become EVIDENT that He has given us all we need for a healthy lifestyle! Food from the ground; beasts of the air, field, and sea; simple macros that HE created for us! Focus on eating less packaged food and more food without a label!
- Proper portions. I know the word “macros” intimidates people, but just think about food in terms of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Those macros are ALL in God’s foods, and a proper balance yields GREAT results.
- Reduced sugar and alcohol. I know… doesn’t sound fun, but neither does scary bloodwork, no energy, lack of sex drive and hating the way we feel in our clothes! Get with me on this one!
- Move that beautiful body. Unpopular opinion hear.. exercise isn’t gonna make you drop all the pounds. Food MUST be the primary focus. However, exercise makes us FEEL good, burns calories, and strengthens the heart and muscles! Moving at least 30 minutes a day will improve your overall health.
- Invite God In! I believe there is NO area of life that God doesn’t want us to invite Him into for help. Personally, God has been speaking Romans 12:1-2 over my heart as I pray over my OWN choices in this area of my health!
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Romans 12:1-2

I am SO passionate about this topic right now that I decided to make MELTING YOUR MIDDLE the focus of my May bootcamp! So if you’re feeling a strong tug to get healthy from the INSIDE OUT, then mama let’s talk!
- We’re inviting GOD into this process! My bootcamps are always centered on scripture and the fact that God CARES about our bodies and what we do with them!
- We are going to EAT to lose belly fat and FEEL good! God gives us so many yummy foods to make us strong and keep us lean! I have a specific four week meal plan JUST for this group and the purpose of leaning out and FEELING good!
- I’ll help you choose a workout that fits your goals and schedule. I have everything from 20 minutes to hour long workouts and cardio and weights and mobility!
- You’ll join a COMMUNITY of women – mostly mamas – fighting for their health too and cheering you on!