Mary Did You Know?
My fascination only dates back to me becoming a mother myself. Before that, I thought her part of the story was interesting, but I didn’t tend to overthink it.
But now…oh my. Now, my heart goes through so many emotions for that dear woman.
The Joy that she must have felt for being the one to carry her Savior.
The Fear she must have fallen into at times at what others would perceive her situation as.
The Hope that she carried within her in the form of a child.
The Wonder as she watched him play and grow.
The Anger when others mocked her son.
The Desperation as she watched him be so brutally attacked and murdered.
The Love….there must have been so much love.
And truthfully, I tried but cannot come up with a word to describe what she must have felt to see him alive again. My heart cannot fathom what that must have been like.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I KNOW that Jesus is my Savior, and his birth is the reason we celebrate Christmas. I am taking no focus away from that. But Mary. She was his mother.
And being a mother myself. Watching my boys grow. Seeing them learn and ask questions and play. I can’t help but wonder what it was like to raise Jesus!
Was he mischievous like other boys?
Did he snatch cookies while she was baking them?
Did he make friends and play hide and seek with the other children?
Did he know where everyone was hiding while they played??
When he scraped his knee and she bandaged it up, did she know that that same blood was going to one day wash all her sins away???
See? SO many questions.
And every year now, when we read the Christmas story from Luke, my favorite verse is this:
I am so thankful for my Savior. For salvation that comes only through Him. He didn’t have to come and live and die for us, but he did. For you and for me.
So that we would have a solution for our sin. A way into heaven.
If Jesus is just a baby in a manger at Christmas time, and you don’t know Him as Savior. My prayer is that you begin to wonder this Christmas season.
Was he real?
Was he who he said he was?
You can read more about Jesus and salvation here.
I have known my Savior for 12.5 years now, and I wouldn’t go back to the dark for anything.
And every Christmas. I am thankful for his mother Mary. Who was chosen to be a part of God’s grand plan.