Losing Weight and Gaining a Healthy Mindset
Where are my emotional eaters at?? What about people who hate being told that they CAN’T eat something?? Or maybe you’re like I was, and just overwhelmed by all the different weight loss products and programs out there? Maybe you just hate working out? No shame in that!
I know you’re out there, and I’m so excited to share something new with you!!
I have experienced so many different types of nutritional theories in the past six and a half years and I know that all strategies are not for everyone. My hope is that if you still haven’t found a lifestyle that keeps you healthy and in charge, that this could be a really awesome option! And as I type these words, this verse keeps coming to mind.
I rode that vicious cycle of dieting, weight loss followed by more weight gain, emotional eating, bulimia, hating my body….for YEARS! And then I finally invited God in. I still had to do the work, but I entrusted HIM with bringing me peace. It hasn’t been perfect, but I am so much happier with my choices and my body and my PURPOSE than ever before. And I want to help other women gain that same FREEDOM.
The 2B Mindset is the newest program from the company I’ve partnered with to help women, Beachbody, that focuses on JUST nutrition so that you can gain an understanding of food as fuel and not food as comfort. This program is a great way to change your habits without overwhelming you with workouts at the same time. (Although, you can TOTALLY still workout if you want to…I will!) BUT! we are going to focus on losing weight happily by taking control of your relationship with food.
This program was created by Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Ilana Muhlstein as a practical and simple weight loss solution after years of yo-yo dieting. You’ll get recipe ideas and meal prep help, plus tips for conquering emotional eating and more.
2B Mindset is NOT a diet – it’s about understanding how to lose weight happily, without feeling deprived or counting calories or cutting out entire food groups. You’ve heard the phrase “abs are made in the kitchen,” right? That’s why we are focusing on food as a means of weight loss whiles till keeping it enjoyable! The program includes 6 videos to learn the principles, 5 videos to live the principles in real life, 6 videos full of tips and strategies, and 16 recipe videos. And of course, we will be learning more about what God’s word says about our health, and our choices.
Do You Want TO Join Me In Doing This Program?
I am going to be hosting my very FIRST 2B Mindset Support Group starting on the 14th of MAY!! I’m currently accepting applications for those that wish to have a 24/7 accountability group to answer questions, to stay motivated, to walk through obstacles and tackle this new lifestyle together! Exercise is not required but is considered extra credit.
This group will take place through a closed online accountability group!
We will start on May 14th and each participant is required to make ME their COACH and to commit to the 2B mindset program plus replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the group. I will be there with live videos, tips, recipes and accountability daily! I will share with you everything that has worked for me over the past 4 years to lose the weight and keep it off happily.