Lose The Labels; Create New Habits
This is EXCITING stuff!
βIt’s NOT that you’re a Proctastinator. It’s that you’ve made a HABIT of procrastinating.






We give ourselves all these LABELS that are really just EXCUSES because we don’t want to find the WILLPOWER to change….and I’m preaching to me just as much as anyone.
But if God can take Paul…whose label, by the way, was CHRISTIAN KILLER….and turn him into one of the greatest EVANGELISTS for Christ, He can change you and me.

Will it be easy to change these habits we’ve built up all our lives???? HECK NO! It’s stinking HARD!

But the SAME Power that changed Paul can change you and me.

And I’ve learned that it’s MUCH easier to live with HARD than with the unhappiness and regret from living under those labels I had created for myself.
What label will you ditch today???? Share below! I’d love to pray with you!
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of Power, Love and Self Control.” 2 Timothy 1:7
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of Power, Love and Self Control.” 2 Timothy 1:7