Long Time, No Post
Hey hey! So it’s been a REALLY long time since I shared one of my weekly meal plans! I don’t really have a reason, except maybe I’ve been so incredibly focused on serving my boot campers and team!
Blessed in 2018

Gosh! We ended 2018 STRONG and I couldn’t be more grateful for the blessings God laid on our team and my family in 2018! We ended the year as an ELITE team, which just means I live and work with a group of AMAZINGLY brave and beautiful women with a passion for serving others! If you ever considered joining our team and becoming part of our 2019 goals, I would love to share with you! Just click here, and I’ll send you some emails telling you everything!
Meal Plan Tips
Now! Back to our normal schedules right? The humdrum of holidays has passed. We are back in school and in a schedule, and Heck! February is upon us! #crazy
It’s time to get FOCUSED! I began a new workout program last week, that I am LOVING as a new challenge, and I’ve dialed in my nutrition….although it hasn’t been easy…
Nutrition is my struggle. I can workout all day long, because it instantly makes me feel good, but food makes me feel good too, and I’ve had to reign in the instant gratification foods. Like processed sugar and carbs.
I know meal planning can be overwhelming, but I always suggest starting SMALL. Little wins are important. Some places to start:
- Cutting out cokes, or coffees
- Planning what snacks you’ll take for your week at work
- Emptying the pantry of any temptation that ALWAYS brings you down.
- Beginning to journal what you eat (game changer)
I slowly began to work my way into meal planning. And now I’m such a creature of habit that it’s truly BORING! I basically just plan my dinners for the week, because they become my leftovers for lunch, and my breakfasts and snacks don’t vary much.
Enduring Love
I love to share my resources and plans, but if you are ready to go FURTHER and find a plan that works for you and fits your needs and schedule, then I’m opening enrollment for my February bootcamp! This is a group of women I work with exclusively to focus on fitness + nutrition + incorporating God’s word into our health.
If you’re ready to go deeper, then let’s talk! Our focus in February is going to be on Enduring Love. The fact that you were in fact created on purpose and with great love by our Creator!
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7