A Little Obsessed Focus and Meal Plan
Obsessed….It’s a funny word. One that I haven’t really thought about until recently. Truthfully, because I don’t feel like I’ve really been obsessed with anything in a long while.
Maybe a boy in high school. Or a good book when I used to have time to read them. Definitely obsessed with my children and my family, but not so much that I lose sight of me.
With the launch of this new workout program called 80 Day Obsession, I’ve had a bad taste in my mouth, because my message is NOT to encourage anyone to become obsessed with their bodies. It’s not healthy. But I was recently on a call with the creator of this program, and she explained that it’s not about obsession with our image. But obsession about being healthy. And it got me thinking…that’s not a bad thing. What other healthy behaviors could I get “obsessed” with?
And I immediately heard God whisper, “Me, Rachel. Me!”
My Focus For This New Adventure
With each new program that launches into my online library of workouts, I aim to make sure I understand the program and determine what my focus will be for my journey. And without a doubt, I am going back to my beginnings. I’m going to lead this new group with the focus that God put on my heart when I first began over three years ago. And that is to focus on craving Him more than the perfect body or more than food or recognition or earthly achievements.
I want to focus on becoming who HE created me to be!
Wife, Mom, teacher, coach, friend. All those are precious roles God gave me when He created me. Some unexpected, but all cherished. I want to not just do life halfway, but I want to become the BEST version of myself in order to live out my purpose. And my body plays a huge role in that. If I care for it, I am physically capable of so many more things.

Meal Planning and Praying
It all begins in my heart and moves outward. So, my lady friends and I who are starting this new program in January….actually we’re starting with A Little Obsessed – some preview workouts – tomorrow will be reading through Made to Crave together. Focusing on learning new things about our bodies, our nutrition and what we are capable of . And inviting God into this journey with us!
I’ve been going through the sneak peek at the nutrition plan they gave us for this week. It’s interesting! It’s challenging! I love a challenge, but this is so different!
Timed nutrition and workout blocks are all about eating the right foods in relation to when you workout. Given that I workout so early in the morning, this is proving to be a REAL challenge for me, but not one that will stop me!
This is the meal plan I’ve created for myself. I may have to tweak it, but I’m viewing these next few weeks as a trial period where I learn what works best for me.
Moving my workouts to later in the day is an option, but not one I’m excited about. I LOVE my early morning sweat sessions. It’s such a mood booster for me and most days it’s my praise and worship time to begin my day. So for NOW, I’m sticking with it!
A Little Obsessed Meal Plan and Workout Block
Are You Ready to Set Some 2018 Goals
What about you? Are you ready to set some goals for your health in 2018? It’s not too early to start now!
If you’re ready or even if you’re waiting till after the holidays to get started, let’s go ahead and make a plan!
If you want to try the A Little Obsessed workouts with us tomorrow and through the holidays – whether you’re gonna nail your nutrition or eat whatever you want –click here for a free trial to these workouts (only for those not already working with a coach).
Or just message me below and we can chat 1:1 and make a plan that works for you!
What is 80 Day Obsession?