Leadership Retreat 2021 Recap!
This was my THIRD Leadership with Retreat with Team Beachbody. Last year it was virtual, so this year it felt amazing to be IN PERSON for our first event in TWO years! Haven’t you missed fellowship? I have!
I didn’t know anything about fitness, or social media or building a business when I began. I just felt a TUG in my GUT that I was supposed to do this insanely scary thing called coaching.
I look back on the weeks and months that I built my business in the pockets of my days, as I learned how to use FB and IG and share a story I didn’t think was very interesting…. and I am THANKFUL for what I learned in those moments.
- How to grow a business God’s way.
- How to FIGHT even on the days that are hard.
- How to find the JOY in every moment of this business. Not just the accomplishments.
- How to fall in LOVE with the daily work I get to do.
I was so skeptical of network marketing when I signed up to become a coach. But over the years, I have learned that EVERYTHING we put our hands to is an opportunity to be a LIGHT in a dark world. I do not take that responsibility lightly.
Every day I show up hoping to impact another woman’s life for the better. Through my story. Through a message. In my bootcamps or on my team.
I fully believe that God is calling the right people at the right time to Team Take Heart.
Day 2
Day 2 of Leadership did not disappoint! I was a day behind after delayed flights, but I I didn’t let that steal my joy!
Friday was all about being poured into from a leadership perspective. Let me tell you, I did not START OUT as a leader, and it’s one of my biggest areas of growth. Also the scariest.
I started at ground zero. No expertise. No knowledge of what makes a great leader.
Heck, I started with NO ONE to lead!
But I’m glad God has given me what I need to grow in this area. It’s ALL HIM!
We heard from a powerful speaker in the morning who trained us on leadership. Again, it wasn’t about numbers and bringing in more people (which is important for growth) or just selling more. It was about stewarding what has been entrusted to us in this business. And more than anything else, that is PEOPLE! The women who join my team and join my bootcamps are my business. My job is to serve them, love them and help them reach their goals. I love that this company teaches us to serve PEOPLE and not just goals.
We also crushed a major workout with Jennifer Jacobs, our newest amazing Super Trainer! My legs are so sore today I can barely walk! Nothing like a LIVE workout with beautiful people!
Day 3
We wrapped up our Leadership Retreat with a hoedown and lots of laughing and dancing Saturday night. The band was amazing and the fellowship was sweet.
I had a day to layover, so some sweet friends of mine hiked Pinnacle Peak with me! I LOVE Arizona ! IT’s one of my new favorite places!
I made it home to my sweet family. and I can’t help thinking about how I’m going to bring what I’ve learned back to my team! I sat down this morning EARLY and had a chat with God about where I’m headed.
Coaching has taught me that we are never standing still. We are either moving backward or moving forward. I want to always be moving CLOSER to who He has created me to be.
Because He did.
Create you and me on purpose.
And He planted a PURPOSE deep inside of us.
Now What?
I think it’s important though to share that I did not BEGIN as an Elite coach. I was just a mama who had found a solution in my health that WORKED, and I was getting RESULTS. That gave me the CONFIDENCE to begin sharing my story. This business has been built very imperfectly and in the small choices I make everyday. To do the basics. To serve in love. To keep Christ at the center. So, as you’re considering giving coaching a go, ask yourself: “If I could do anything with this business, this platform, what would it be?” Pray over it. Ask God for guidance. I’ll train you and teach you HOW to become a coach when you’re ready! |