Leadership Retreat 2019
My first leadership retreat did NOT disappoint! I still can’t believe this is my JOB most days. Getting rewarded for serving other women through faith and fitness. But it is. And I will thank God for it everyday!
Leadership is an event for coaches who have achieved certain goals in their businesses. Specifically, when we are building a TEAM of coaches who are duplicating the basics in this business. Which are focusing on our own health, sharing our story through social media, inviting women to join our virtual accountability groups and serving them there!
So this weekend was all about CELEBRATING our leadership achievements and learning how to grow as leaders for our teams so we can spread the RIPPLE EFFECT of helping people live healthy and fulfilling lives.
The first 24 hours was about celebrating that our team was ELITE in 2019. Elite means we are one of the TOP teams in Team Beachbody. Only about 1% of coaches achieve this, so you better believe I celebrated Team Take Heart GLADLY! Love my team and what we are accomplishing together.

Every morning we worked out with the Super Trainers. Joel Freeman, Amoila Ceasar (my next trainer), and Elise Joan (creator of our new Barre program!). And of course, I got to do this with FRIENDS! Women I do life and coaching with everyday through social media. I cannot explain what a GIFT it is to be able to spend a few days together in each other’s company. We talked. We laughed. We strategized and laughed some more!
Each morning, we received training and motivation from different speakers. I always love being trained by other coaches who are succeeding in this business. That’s truly one thing I love about coaching. We don’t compete. We COLLABORATE together!
Our afternoons were spent by the pool simply fellowshipping and relaxing together. And the evenings were celebrations. Food, fun and music!

Now, I’m sitting here waiting to hop on my ride home to my sweet family. and I’m thinking about how I’m going to bring what I’ve learned back to my team!
I sat down this morning EARLY and had a chat with God about where I’m headed. Coaching has taught me that we are never standing still. We are either moving backward or moving forward. And I want to always be moving CLOSER to who He has created me to be. Because He did. Create you and me on purpose. And He planted a PURPOSE deep inside of us.
He surprised me by showing me that coaching was part of that purpose. So here I am. Sitting before you, offering you one of my 5 mentorships for the month of November.
- I will teach you everything I know.
- Share my systems that are easily duplicated.
- Encourage you to put Christ first in all that you do.
- And meet you half way.
I could not have imagined that my first goals of just getting my superfoods paid for and helping a few people would turn into a business that has FAR surpassed my full time instructor income and would bring me home to a job that I LOVE and allows me to CREATE, SERVE and GROW daily.
So what do you say?
Do you feel that tug in your gut?
I am getting ready to kick off my November Mentorship program !!!
There will never be a MORE PERFECT TIME THAN RIGHT NOW! If you are interested in working with me and you are not currently a coach or working with one at this time you can apply for a spot in my mentorship program here:, CLICK HERE
*To keep the suits happy….Team Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence and skill.