Labor Day Eats
I wanted to share some of my go-to eats I make on holidays! The weatherer is gorgeous this weekend, so we will be doing ALL the grilling! Which, to me, is the easy part!
It’s the SIDES that I tend to overdo it on, so sharing some of my healthier quick and easy sides to take to your BBQ!

Skewers – any type of salad can be made into a skewer! But a super simple one is an antipasto one. Just put mozzarella balls, basil, cherry tomatoes on a skewer and it’s a beautiful side! You can add prosciutto, olives and more!

Who doesn’t love quacamole? This is a simple side dish that can be eaten with veggies, chips, on a burger or just dollop on a salad! Healthy fat and tons of flavor! Here’s a great recipe!
The more greens, the better! And this massive, fiber filled salad is packed with flavor! I always get requests for this one! Broccoli Salad recipe is here!
It wouldn’t be complete without dessert! This one takes a few extra steps, and it needs time to chill, but it’s so worth the wait! Recipe for Chocolate Fruit Pizza is here!