It’s Time To Share Your Biz Goals, Sister
I shared a big goal with the women I do business with today. It scared me a little. I never want the goals I set to be just about me!

One of the things I love MOST about the work I do as a faith and fitness coach is that I cannot achieve ANYTHING unless I help the women I work with achieve their own goals too. That’s work I can get excited about!
As I shared today with them, I couldn’t help but think how much more ACCOUNTABLE it made me to share these goals publicly. Once it was out there, these were no longer goals I could half-heartedly work towards. They MUST become a priority in my business and in my daily work if I am going to lead my business partners by example!
Do you feel me? Have you ever set a goal – maybe in your health or in your finances or whatever – that you kept to yourself? And as long as you did keep it hidden under a bushel, you never really felt compelled to work towards it?
There is just something amazingly URGENT about the work once you share it with other people.
I teach this to my fitness clients ALL THE TIME!
- Share what your goal is publicly.
- Invite others to hold you accountable.
- Share weekly or monthly progress, so you stick to the work required to get there.
And it’s the SAME in our businesses!
If you are a business owner… and I’m sure you are if you’ve read this far, I’m here in your face today challenging you to GET SERIOUS about setting some business goals that share you and to MAKE THEM PUBLIC!
Now, now, you don’t need to pay for a billboard on the main road in your town. But you do need to share them publicly somewhere.
- With your business partners
- On your social media
- In your team page
- On your blog
It’s time to STOP tiptoeing around what God is calling you to do with your work and GET COMMITTED!
Will it be scary? Yes!
Will it FORCE you to level up in your work and focus? Duh.. that’s kind of the whole point!

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
Proverbs 29:18
In recent years, I’ve noticed something I never saw before in this verse. It says “the people” perish.
I believe that carries weight. When we play it safe, live in our comfort zones, and shy away from the big visions and goals God plants in our hearts, we miss the opportunity to impact the world around us for GOOD! For HIM!
So today I am asking you to STOP playing it safe and to go after those God given goals on your heart!