
Insanity Max 30 Week 3 Meal Plan…And A Confession

Insanity Max 30 Week 3 Meal Plan…And A Confession

So, I have a confession to make.  The past couple of weeks, I have not been very diligent in sticking to my meal plans.  I have taken the time to create them, prep for them and even carried everything I needed to work!  I just gave in when temptation called and slipped in a few extra “bites” of goodies here and there…

To many of you, this may seem very trivial.  But for me, there are a few reasons this bothers me.  

  • I am a creature of habit. If I make it a habit to eat good things, it is much easier for me to stay on track.  If I let myself slip here and there, then that also becomes a habit and my body begins to want the bad stuff again.  It’s a battle I don’t want to fight over and over.  It’s easier to stay on track and have a cheat meal here and there rather than indulging every day…even just a little!
  • I help people create meal plans and encourage them to stick to them, so that they too can have the freedom that comes with knowing that they are doing something GOOD for their bodies.  I don’t want to encourage someone else to do something I’m not doing myself.
  • It definitely affects the scales.  Eating clean and according to my meal plan works for me! Since I learned to eat according to the 21 Day Fix meal plan, I have been able to lose weight and keep it off.  Extra bites of peanut butter or dark chocolate or an extra handful of nuts really does add up for me.  I wish it didn’t, but it does!
All that said, a routine is exceptionally powerful for me! And I know that it works for others as well.  So, I try to teach my challengers that no matter what they are feeling, craving, wanting, etc. – Stick To The Plan!!! It works, and I am living proof of it. And thankfully, I have others who will hold me accountable to this!!

So, I have been praying and asking God to help me stick to the plan that I know he placed in my life. These past seven months, I have grown closer and closer to Him, and He confirms this journey almost every single day.  

I created my meal plan for the upcoming week today.  I cannot believe I’m halfway through Month 1 of Insanity Max 30! Luckily, the meal planning is exactly the same as the 21 Day Fix, so I’m a pro at this!  There are a couple of things that I have decided to try to eliminate or just cut back on, because they are affecting my progress.  Peanut Butter is one of those things!! I have ZERO self-control over how much peanut butter I eat.  But…I found these wonderful little things at the store this week.  
portion controlled Natural Peanut Butter!!!

Someone must have told them about me…These have way less sugar and sodium than regular peanut butter.  And I know to cut myself off after this small serving is gone!

Another thing I have done is cut out Diet Cokes.  This makes a world of difference in my hormones and monthly cycle…and therefore, my cravings.  I still crave something fizzy though.  I have started drinking La Croix* flavored water.  These are flavored naturally with fruit and have zero calories or artificial sweeteners.  It really hits the spot when I get tired of plain water. (I know these have been around a while, but I am just now getting around to trying them…)

So, I am tweaking my meal plans and figuring out what works for me.  Less peanut butter and more water! Here is what I have for Week 3 of Insanity Max 30, some oldies but goodies.
Ready to hit Week 3 hard and see some awesome results.  Every time I do an Insanity Max 30 workout, my abs are sore all day!  I know this program is gonna shape me up, especially if I’m following the meal plan!!! No rationalizations…only Results!

Have a great week!
*I have not been paid to endorse these products.  

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