I’m Just a Basic Babe….
You know? When I began my fitness journey 5+ years ago, I was drawn the nutrition plans and workouts, because they were SIMPLE! 30 minute workouts. Nutrition plans that told me what to eat and how much.

It was EXACTLY what I needed. And I just took it day by day. Meal by meal. One workout at at time.
I was drawn to the BASICS.
- The simplicity of the workouts.
- Always having a plan.
- Simple, clean nutrition.
- A community that was ALWAYS there for me even on the days I was super hard on myself.
- Did I mention a PLAN?? I live for a simple plan.
- And I even started to read Made to Crave which laid it OUT for me that God CARES about my choices I make with my body!
And as I was thinking of HOW TO SERVE my people best in the month of October, I thought why not just serve some BASIC BABES like me!
- Women who like simplicity
- Women who just wanna focus more on how to honor God with their choices.
- WOmen who WANT results in their fitness.
- Women who know complicated only confuses.
- Women who appreciate a simple meal plan and menu their families can enjoy.
- Women who don’t like fluff and flare. “Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.” Those were always my words!
Does that sound like you?
Good. Then you’re my gal!
Be Basic With ME!
I’m opening 10 spoTs tomorrow for my 🖤Basic Babes Bootcamp. 🖤⠀
Seriously! I’m taking the COMPLICATED out of it, and showing you how SIMPLE loving yo’self is sister!⠀
Enrollment WILL close October 21st…and I have some Early Bird surprises for anyone who enrolls this week!⠀
And of course you will get a ton of sweet stuff anyways👇🏻⠀
➕Short & Sweet at-home or gym workouts⠀
➕Customized family-friendly dinner plans⠀
➕Simple Nutritional Guides⠀
➕Daily support & accountability & Reading through Made to Crave together!⠀
➕Fun Fall Contests & Goodies⠀
➕A 30 Day Supply of Breakfasts – the same one I drink DAILY. ⠀
Be Basic…Like Me. It’s pretty darn cool! And not as hard as you think!