I’m Fighting the Winter Blues
I don’t know about you, but this week the Winter Blues have set in! It has been so COLD and/or WET for so long for us here in North Mississippi. And then, just as the sun begins to shine again, I am forced back into an office for seven hours a day….
I don’t mind the winter months, especially if there is any hope of snow, but most people start praying for Spring as soon as Christmas is over. I have found myself feeling the same way this year.
According to WebMD, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects 25 million people each year.
In somewhat of a simplification, the lack of light in wintertime can result in lower levels of serotonin, the mood-enhancing chemical that regulates hunger and the feeling of well-being.
Some symptoms include depression, marathon napping, low self-esteem, obsessiveness over little things, irritability, shyness, and panic attacks. People with seasonal affective disorder may also sleep poorly (although for many hours), partly because they don’t have enough serotonin to convert to the sleep substance melatonin.
(Source: WebMD)
So, what can you do to feel better and enjoy this winter season? There has been lots of research done on this issue, and I have put together some of my favorite tips. These are also things I am going to be putting into practice as well to cure my blues!
1. Exercise – C’mon! You knew I was going to say that!!! Seriously though! Get off the couch and MOVE. Exercise naturally boosts seratonin levels, which is what is severely lacking in any form of depression. You know how it feels to get your body moving!!!! Make it a family affair. There are lots of good hiking trails where we live. We had to get the boys out and moving one day during the Christmas break, or we all may have gone batty…
2. Socialize – The last thing you want to do is stay at home all by yourself. Get out and meet a friend for dinner or for a run. Have friends over to watch a movie. GO to a movie. You get the idea. Spending time alone only contributes to depression and anxious thoughts.
3. Seek out some Sunshine – Anytime the sun shines, get out and spend time in it. Bright light actually stimulates the same neurotransmitters as antidepressants. So seek some sunlight, even if you have to bundle up like Randy from A Christmas Story!!
4. Clean up your diet – Think about all of the junk people tend to eat over the holidays. No wonder SAD sets in almost immediately. Even for me, who didn’t indulge too much, I can tell that what I did eat has had an effect on my mood.
Focus on getting at least 3 lean proteins into your diet each day. Cut out as many white carbs as you can – bread, potatoes, and rice. Try this for 2 weeks, and you should see a big difference. You have to do it consistently though, or it won’t work. Also, lots of bright colored fruits and vegetables will help fight depression.
I’m trying some of my recipes I’ve been pinning to Pinterest this weekend. I’ll be sure to share!
My 3 Day Refresh comes in today too, so I am excited to complete it and get my body back on track. That will help me a lot!
I hope this helps anyone who is battling the Winter Blues with me. Thankfully, we live in a fairly warm climate, and Spring should be here soon!