5 Tips to Rock Your Weekend and Stay on Track!
I know the feeling all too well. You rock your workouts and your nutrition Monday through Friday, and come Friday night at dinner or Saturday morning at the local diner, you want to let loose. “I DESERVE this,” you tell yourself. Or at least that’s what I used to tell myself.
And if you have ever participated in a challenge group of mine, you know I am a BIG advocate of the cheat meal. Once a week. I think it’s important to not restrict ourselves ALL the time. And while I love my healthy food, there is nothing like a big fat cheeseburger and fries from time to time. Or Momma’s homemade chocolate cake. Or a chicken and biscuit…Can you tell I love my food???
With that said though, I have often fallen prey to the lie that “I worked hard so I can eat whatever I want to all weekend.” It’s not true. If you cheat, do it ONCE and get back on the train.
If you are incapable of cheating only once without it turning into a cheat weekend, then aim for once a month.
Here are some of my tips for sticking with your goals on the weekend.
1. Know your Goals.
Without goals, we’re all just drifting in the wind. If you lost 3 lbs last week and you still have 10 more to go, undoing that 3 lb weight loss is not going to get you any closer to your goals. Right?
If your goal is to feel stronger and healthier, then eating six chocolate chip cookies with a glass of wine is certainly NOT going to do that, and you’re only going to feel bad about yourself and your choices.
2. Get Outside.
I know it’s incredibly hot outside right now, but it won’t be for much longer. Take your kids on a hike. Plan a picnic. Ride bikes. Anything to get some fresh air and exercise. There are lots of great results. More family time. Burn calories and you will feel really good about the choices you’ve made!
3. Cheat once!
Like I said above, aim for ONE cheat MEAL a week. Not a cheat day or 3 day hiatus. Just one cheat meal. And like I tell my challengers, think portions even when eating the bad stuff. Don’t have three pieces of chocolate cake…guilty! Have small piece. Don’t eat a Super-sized Big Mac meal. Order the normal, human sized portion (That’s a whole other post!)
4. PLAN!
Just like I don’t think you should go into a work week without a meal plan and some prep, I don’t believe you should go into a cheat meal without a plan. If you’re going out to eat, check out the menu ahead of time to know what you will order.
Also, use the weekend as planning and prep time for the next week! This is an invaluable lesson I have learned. If I fail to plan, I plan to fail!
5. Drink your water!
I know that when I’m out to dinner or at a get together and there is lots of tempting food, I could eat it ALL! But if I’m drinking plenty of water, that ensures I’m not eating because I’m thirsty and it also tricks my stomach into feeling full so I don’t gorge.
Anyways, if you’re spending all that time outside doing fun stuff, you’ll need to stay hydrated!.
But most importantly. Enjoy your weekend! It’s such a precious time for our family to be together, especially after the rush of school and work. Snuggle a little more. Read a book together. Have movie night together. And spend some time worshiping God! Relax and be thankful for this awesome life!