I Have To Confess…
This intimidated the bejeezus out of me!!!!
When my sweet challenger, Fallon, asked me if I would be willing to be part of the January health addition of the Crossroads magazine, I was excited to say Yes!!!
I love sharing my story, and how I have been able to make this life change work for me and my family, and I feel that God has called me to that. So, I was ready!!
Well, when the editor called me a few weeks later to “warn” me that they were about to begin advertising for the edition, and that they had chosen to put me on the cover, my enthusiasm waned.
I know this may be hard to believe, given my profuse number of workout selfies, but this made me uncomfortable. In a scary way. So much so, that I came close to calling back twice and telling them I did not want to participate.
Being extremely transparent – here are a few things that scared me:
Writing that now sounds silly. I mean, it’s just an article in a small local newspaper. It wasn’t going to go before Congress or the world!!! And I realized that I was more concerned with ME and how I appeared than with simply sharing this story I feel God blessed me with to help others.
So, I prayed. I prayed over the questionnaire they sent me. I prayed AS I answered it. I prayed before I hit Send. I asked Matt to pray! What did I pray?
That God would give me the words. Not to make myself sound perfect or lofty. But words that would touch someone who needed it. That my story would resonate with someone else who lacked the desire and motivation to make a change. That it would inspire someone to get started and really value who they are as a creation of God.
I started with this verse in my submission, because it really does drive me. If fuels my fire! And I want others to get excited about taking care of themselves as well!
And you know what? God used it.
I have had message after message from people who tell me it helped. It inspired. It motivated. Not my words. But the words God gave me. The story He developed. The person He has helped me become.
I will eternally be thankful for my physical struggles. For my high cholesterol. For those extra 12 lbs I gained that made me so uncomfortable. Without them, I would not be here today. Closer than ever to my Savior and being used by Him to help others.
So that small magazine that they promoted the heck out of…that scared me to death…that made me so uncomfortable I got sick to my stomach. All turned out ok!