How To Keep Avocados Fresh

i’ve been doing my research on healthy fats and how important they are for women. For heart health and regulating our hormones. If you have followed me for very long, you know that regulating my hormones has been a major part of my health and fitness journey. I struggled with PMDD (Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder) for years! Still do, honestly. But I’ve learned to manage them with nutrition and exercise.
Here is a great article on healthy fats and hormones.

Avocados are one of my FAVORITE ways to get health fats in! Our entire family loves them in many different ways. Avocado toast, in our smoothies, on top of tacos on Taco Tuesday, or baked with an egg.
But I know many people are turned off by avocados, because of the price and because once you cut them open, the can turn that yucky putrid brown color when exposed to air.
But there are ways to store them and keep them fresh to preserve them and to save your money!
Storage Tips
- Leave the pit in. If you’re only using half of an avocado at a time, which is a healthy serving, keep the side with the pit still in place to use later. This will help preserve the color.
- Squeeze lime juice over the exposed meat. This prevents oxidization and helps retain the color.
- Find a good storage container. William Sonoma and Uncommon Goods have great ones that don’t cost very much.