How I’m Seeking To Live LESS This Week and My Weekly Meal Plan
LESS….It’s a word that keeps circling in my brain this week.
I feel that God is really urging me to slow down, evaluate what I’m living and working for and to identify areas that I can live less so I can give MORE to Him and to others.
“Less” is not a word you hear a lot in our culture today. Everything is centered on gaining “More.”
More money.
More fame.
More recognition.
More food.
More followers.
More, more, more….you get the idea.
But recently, I picked up a really good read entitled, Living Well, Spending Less: 12 Secrets of the Good Life by Ruth Soukup.
I’ll admit that the “spending less” bit is what does me in. Matt and I are really focusing on how to live with what we have and spending less on things we don’t need and getting debt eliminated!
But this book is more than just a self-help book for cutting spending. It’s truly a Biblical look into what the “good life” really is. It’s not bigger houses and nicer cars. It’s not larger bank accounts and smaller waistlines. It’s not a closet full of shoes and a house that is perfectly redecorated. Those things are fleeting… and honestly will always just leave us wanting MORE!
The Good Life is about spending our time and our energy in places that will truly leave an impact. It’s about changing the desires of our heart and shifting our priorities to storing up treasures in heaven and not on earth. What does that look like?
- Snuggling our children as they go to bed.
- Reading a devotion with them to start their day.
- Praying with a friend who is struggling in her marriage.
- Turning off the tv and praying for my OWN marriage.
- Spending time pouring into my challengers and praying for them by name.
- Helping a coach who is filled with self doubt and lacking confidence and helping her discover her God-given talents she can use on this earth to reach others.
- Using every aspect of my life to point others to Christ!
The Good Life will look different for each of us. But the common theme is this.
“Do good, be rich in good deeds, and be generous and willing to share. In this way you will lay up treasure for yourself as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that you may take hold of the life that is truly life.”
1 Timothy 6:18-19
So that is my goal this week!
I know that no matter what Size I am, I have value and worth. But when I feel tired and sluggish and just find myself eating to be eating….things have gotten out of hand.
Again, a mindset of More, More, More.
Being back in my office on a daily basis is difficult for me. I function so much better at home where I’m up and moving and always have something to occupy my hands. But sitting at my desk most of the day leaves me mindlessly snacking or thinking about food!
So, I am vowing to reign it in this week. My meal plan is printed off and taped to my kitchen cabinets, and I’m asking my challengers to HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE!!!!!
I am keeping it simple but trying some new recipes to keep it interesting as well! No dairy again this week and no processed sugars.
The Push Phase of Chalean Extreme is the BEST to me, so I get jazzed about my workouts naturally.
I also have a brand new group of challengers beginning tomorrow, and it always gets me so pumped and excited to help them get started in their new lifestyle! I’m gonna spend some extra time praying for these beautiful souls tonight instead of watching tv and get started seeking this GOOD LIFE God is calling me to live.
More on the budgeting and spending less to come later….
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August 8, 2017 at 2:16 pm