How I Started My Business

I’ve been an online health and fitness coach since Fall 2014. I didn’t set out to be a coach, but as a mom of two at 33, I was desperately searching for a solution to my fitness struggles…. Eating an entire package of cookie dough on the couch late at night wasn’t working anymore! Ha!
You can read more about that story here. Suffice it to say, I LOVED the fitness solutions I had found. It WORKED, and there were no gimmicks, and I found something I could do LONG term! So I was SOLD on the fitness/nutrition side of it.
When I found MY coach, I didn’t even realize how much I needed the community and support a coach and challenge group could give, but being a part of that really drove me to be more consistent. And the results came and STAYED.

So, how did I decide to become a coach? Honestly? I just wanted a discount on my products – my meal replacement and go-go juice ! But God was doing more. I couldn’t see it yet, but He was planting a vision for my life and my business. I watched my coach for a few months before finally saying yes to her invitation to coach.
She was creating freedoms for her family. She was also a mom of two small boys and was PRESENT with them! I wanted that presence more! I wanted more PURPOSE as well. While I enjoyed my college professor job, I just wasn’t feeling fulfilled! And the more I researched the business, a lot of the fears I had dissipated.
I learned you didn’t have to be a fitness expert or a trained nutritionist. Beachbody and their trainers take care of all that for you! A coach just has to show up and be a cheerleader and provide support for their customers. I could do that! Matt and I prayed a lot about the opportunity and figured I didn’t have anything to lose!
I was already doing the workouts, getting results, and using the products. Coaching would just mean I begin sharing and inspiring other women and inviting them to do this WITH me! So, August 2014, I committed to coaching!

This is where the rubber hit the road…. A coach’s sign up date isn’t always their START date. Any business requires ACTION, and thankfully, my coach threw me into her New Coach Training and told me exactly what to do, and I just had to start taking the action.
Tip: If you’re going to begin anything and succeed, you must be 100% coachable! Collecting all the information but not taking action will only lead to frustration and failure!
I was a complete sponge! I knew nothing about social media, marketing, running my own business or anything, but I was so willing to learn. I began sharing my health and fitness journey on social, and God gave me the words to point others to HIM! {This has been a total journey of spiritual refinement for me.}
I didn’t want to be that girl on social media who was SALESY, and I never want to teach my team to be that way either. My business is about building genuine relationships with women who have the same goals and struggles with me.
I am NOT a Beachbody sales person. I’ve linked arms with this company and definitely use their products and help my clients do that as well! While I am a Beachbody coach on the business side, I am a faith based mom who found a solution to health and fitness struggles and daily shares what works for me with others. I know that if it works for me, it will work for other women! THAT is something I can do with confidence!

I saw pretty quickly how amazing it was to inspire others! Every month I set a goal to serve three new women in my bootcamps. It felt AMAZING to breathe belief into these women. To see them achieve their own goals and grow in confidence.
I wanted to help MORE! I was working hard in the pockets of my day around my full time job and my family. And as one person, I could only do so much! So I started to pray and offer the coaching opportunity to other women who needed purpose and income as much as I did. As a team, our ripple effect could spread farther!
There were women who were loving the programs as much as I did, so it just made sense to invite them to join my team and learn to coach with me!

Other people began to see my success from the outside too! After a few years of working this business part time, God allowed me to semi-retire from my professor job and be home MORE!
Women began to ask me HOW I was doing this, and I was HAPPY to share and bring in other hard-working women to learn to coach! They watched me and said, “WHY NOT ME?”

My life is forever changed. I don’t say that lightly. Today, as I type this, I am at home with my boys. God laid the idea to homeschool them on mine and Matt’s hearts simultaneously (don’t you love when He does that!?), and after much prayer, we decided this was the path for us!
I would never have been able to do this without coaching and the income it provides.
And my team is made up of other women like me. Women who love God and who want to honor Him with their bodies, their time, their families and their businesses. I didn’t even KNOW how much I needed this team of mine. But God did.
Because of coaching, I have:
- Time Freedom
- More time with my family
- Income that is breaking debt and creating new goals for our family
- Exciting travel opportunities
- New friendships I cherish
- A purpose I didn’t realize was missing
- Confidence in my calling
- Something that challenges me every single day
I’ve grown so much in the past six years as a person and as a leader, and that has carried over into so many other parts of my life. I am BLESSED beyond measure.

If you’re interested in joining Team Take Heart, take a minute to fill this out and I’ll send you a special video I made that goes a little bit deeper!
Have any questions about my journey? Leave them below!
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at http://tbbcoa.ch/TBB_SOICEfor the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.