How I Plan My Social Media Content For the Week
Ok, so I get asked this question a LOT by my followers on IG. And I share this info regularly with my team, but I figured I’d make a quick post for any of you babes hustling and making things happen in your own businesses day in and day out! #entrepreneurliferocks

{If you ARE on my team though, will you drop a “hey girl” in the comments below this post! I love to see you guys growing!}
My Business
So, a little about me. I run a virtual health and fitness business in which I serve other women. I share my story of faith and fitness on social media and get to help other women get results in their fitness the same way I did AND invite God into that process. It’s seriously the BEST job ever! I also mentor and train other women to build the same business! It’s been an incredible leap of faith that God has blessed tremendously!

But it takes work. Those pics and stories aren’t gonna post themselves…. And since my business is built on social media, I know that if I’m not posting, then I might as well have a “CLOSED” sign on my virtual business door!
So every week I sit down and make a social media marketing plan to guide my business.
Where to Begin
I alway begin with GOALS in mind.
- What do I want to accomplish?
- Who am I speaking to?
- How many times do I want to post?
- How many stories do I want to make minimum each day?
And with each post, I always have three main goals:
I never want to just be another voice out there trying to show a picture perfect life. My goal is to show women that you CAN do the hard things, and they don’t have to be perfect to win at life!

I have my goals. I have my mission. Now I need my pics and messages!
Each weekend, I take some pics. I go to locations I love. Find the right lighting, change my outfit a few times, and take pics that will portray the message I want to share. This gives me an album to work from throughout the week, so I am not scrambling for photos.
{IF you want more info on my favorite apps for editing photos, click here.}
Then I plug my marketing plan into an app called PLANN. It’s awesome! I upload my photo, write my message or at least the beginnings of it and save to post at the appropriate date/time! This frees up SO much more time in my work week to do the BASICS of this business I love so much and to check off the THINGS.

This isn’t rocket science by any means, but I’m surprised at how many business owners are NOT proactive. Running your own business requires INTENTIONAL work and overcoming any potential obstacles that might keep you from growing.

For me, writing posts and getting the right pics was a MAJOR time suck for me the first two years of my business. I was always stressed and standing around taking forever to write a post instead of diving into the relationships God had given me to grow! Learn from me! Take the time to do this every weekend and set yourself up for SUCCESS in your business and create time to do the daily behaviors that are gonna GROW your business!
Yall, I CLAIMED 2019 as my year to work for the “well done”. And part of that is doing the work God called me to do and doing it WELL!
Did This Help?
Ok, sister! I hope this helped you get a little more focused and intentional intro business! Don’t have your own side hustle (or full time hustle)? I’d love for you to JOIN ME!!! Team Take Heart is growing and crushing major goals already in 2019! There is always room for more women who are humble, hungry and willing to HUSTLE!

My new coach mentorship begins March 1st! Grab a spot and i’ll take you even deeper with trainings and help you grow your own thriving business!