Our summer is very quickly coming to a close!!! We are still having so much fun, and I may have a few surprises up my sleeve for the boys, but hopefully this week will be mostly laid back. I hate to complain about it, because we have had so much sunshine, but I am officially tired of the HEAT!!! Man! It is tough to endure some days. We are staying indoors a lot, playing games, catching up on summer learning, and watching a lot of movies and the Pioneer Woman…Henry’s favorite!

Can I just say that I am very thankful for the Pioneer Woman? There are not a lot of things on TV that I approve my kids watching, but her show is so much fun for them AND me. I’m sure most of you watch her show, but if you don’t know, the show spends a lot of time following her family life and the cattle farm she and her husband own in Oklahoma. Henry has decided he wants to have a farm like that when he grows up, and I am going to be his “Pioneer Woman.” Milo loves to watch her boys play football and feed the cattle. There are no bad words, no back-talk, and no social issues. They gather around the table and spend lots of time together as a family. That’s something you don’t see a lot these days. And…I love to watch her cook! Win-win. We have about 50+ episodes recorded…

As school approaches, I am definitely going to take some of her recipes and adapt them to fit our family. Especially anything I can get into a crockpot before I leave for work in the mornings!! We thrive on crockpot meals once school gets back in session!
Anyways!!! Not sure how I got off on that, but I’m a fan. Plain and simple!
Something else I’m excited about is my 21 Day Fix challenge group that began last week. We are ALL doing the
21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme, and I am doing it with them! Meal plan, containers and everything. I’m super excited about it! While I have followed the 21 Day Fix guide the past year, it’s been a while since I did it with a group of other challengers who were ONLY focused on this program. And it’s been a while since I used my containers regularly. It will be good accountability and encouragement for me as well! We took advantage of these programs being on sale this month, and I cannot wait to see how these challengers do!

The 21 Day Fix is designed to help you break old habits and create healthy new ones by sticking with the plan for 21 days. And it works. I promise. I’m living proof! When you consistently make good choices and throw out old ones, it becomes much easier to stick with those good choices. Things like:
1. Getting up earlier to workout. HORRIBLE at first, but slowly your body gets used to it.
2. Choosing water or unsweet tea instead of Cokes. Your body will go through sugar withdrawal, but it learns to crave the good stuff and not the sugary Coke.
3. Exercise. If you exercise for 21 days straight and then stop, your body will crave the movement you’ve been making it do for the last three weeks! It’s amazing!
So, as part of this challenge group, we are also creating our own Habit Trackers. We are each going to choose 3-5 things that we want to focus on making into healthy habits and track them for the next 21 days. Here are three of mine:
- Diet Cokes…yes, I still struggle with these, but I am committing to NO Diet Cokes for the next 21 days!!!!
- Professional Development – This is part of what i do as a coach and what I teach my coaches to do, but I’ll be honest that there are days I miss doing it because I’m so busy. But really, I have no excuse. Because I can listen to a podcast while I get ready in the mornings or while I’m in the car. Professional development and investing in growing and learning have made such a difference in my business as well as in my relationship in Christ. Sometimes I read a devotional on getting outside my comfort zone or relying on my faith instead of myself when I am afraid. One of my favorites right now is Lara Casey’s Make It Happen. I love it, and I am going to do it every day for 21 days!

- Extra 30 minutes/day with my husband, Matt – we are both so busy that a lot of days we fall into bed and haven’t really spend quality time with one another. I am committing to MAKING time to just sit face to fact and talk. No phones, no children, no distractions.
My man! |
So! My meal plan is ready. My fancy little habit tracker is ready, and I cannot wait to kick off this week! I am combing my 21 Day Fix Extreme Workouts with some Cize ones to mix it up a little. And because the Cize ones really help loosen me up after lifting weights. And it’s loads of fun!!!
I am also hosting a business Opportunity Call tomorrow night, Monday July 27th, at 8:30 pm. to share what I do as a coach, and I LOVE doing these!!! I love coaching and sharing the opportunity with other people. It has changed me and benefited me and my family so much, and I just want to pay it forward!!! If you’re interested in jumping on and just learning more, shoot me an email and I will share the link to that! Email me at
I hope your summer is going well and that you are making the most of these long days and time with your family!!!
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