Holiday Goals!
Thanksgiving is just 14 days away….How did that happen??? Up to this point, a typical holiday for me would include numerous food comas…not just on the holiday itself, but for two or three days!!!!
I don’t think this is terribly uncommon. The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays typically revolve around family gatherings, which means food for most of us. Not only that, the weather is cooler; we are bundling up to stay warm, and we naturally gravitate toward more “filling” food groups…i.e. mashed potatoes, cream sauces, cheese covered dishes, sugary treats. You get the idea.
And on top of that, there are holiday parties!!! Packed full of all of the above. All of the merriment tends to make me forget myself and just dive right in! Can anyone else relate???? I would imagine most of you can. The average person tends to gain 5-10 lbs over the holiday season, and usually, I am no exception…
But… I am here to declare that this year will be different! I have worked too hard to get to a place I am content with to throw it all away in a matter of weeks. I began improving my health five months ago in May, and I don’t plan on going backwards this year during the holidays. Will I indulge in some tasty treats??? ABSOLUTELY! Will I allow it to turn into a week long marathon of junk food???? Absolutely NOT!!!
And to keep myself accountable, I am sharing this news with all of YOU!!! It is much easier for me to stay on track and focused when I share my goals with people – one of the perks I find in coaching and leading challenge groups! So, here I am, sharing my goals and inviting YOU to join me!
November/December Health and Fitness Goals:
- Maintain My Current Weight. Yes, I do not intend to gain a single pound over the holidays! I admit, this is a lofty goal, but I love a good challenge!
- Complete Chalean Extreme. I am almost halfway through this 3 month program, and I will finish up around New Years. I plan to continue every week and not miss a single workout!
- Workout 6 days/week! Chalean Extreme only includes five workout days for the week. I plan to continue to add in an extra day of Cardio even in the holiday weeks. I tend to lose momentum when I skip a day, except for Sundays, and it helps me keep my stress level down. Come on, we can all be honest that while the holidays are magical and filled with awesome family time, they can be quite stressful!
- Drink My Water Each Day. I shoot to consume half my body weight in ounces each day. In addition to keeping me hydrated, it helps me stay regulated and flushes out any extra sodium I might consume. There will most definitely be lots of sodium consumed on Thanksgiving Day, so I will probably shoot for drinking a little extra!
- Portion Control! “What?” you say! “At the holidays?” Yes, I am definitely planning to indulge in sugary and carb loaded delights that I would not normally, but that does not mean that I am going to allow myself to eat platefuls of them! If there is one thing I learned doing the 21 Day Fix is that portion control goes a long way in staying on track. I used to eat until I couldn’t BREATHE at holiday gatherings…Gross, I know. But not this year!!!!
- 3 Day Refresh – Even though I don’t plan to go overboard, I am definitely planning to do a short “cleanse”. Milo has a birthday next weekend, followed by Thanksgiving, so I will definitely be putting things into my body that it is not used to. I know by now that when I do this, my body tends to crave the bad things more, and my energy goes down pretty quickly. So, I have already ordered and gotten my 3 Day Refresh, and it will help me get back on track! If anyone is interested in doing it with me, let me know! On average, people lose 3-5 lbs! That is not my goal so much, as it is to “detox” from all the sugar and carbs!
So, I have successfully shared five of my holiday goals with you. Thanksgiving is by far one of my favorite holidays, but I want to enjoy it responsibly and help others do the same thing. That is one thing we will be focusing on in my November and December challenge groups.
So what are some of your health and fitness goals for the month? Share below and we will hold each other accountable!!!