Hiking Mt. Leconte
I seem to be in this phase of parenting where God shows me that EVERYTHING is a teachable moment… which I’m sure my boys are just LOVING right now! {insert eye roll}

This last week my little family of four left on an adventure to hike to the top of Mt. Leconte in the Great Smoky Mountains and stay the night in an exclusive community with one room cabins and no electricity. I realize this doesn’t sound like most poeple’s idea of a “vacation”, but it was a bucket list thing for Matt Mitchell.
Day 1
We set out on Thursday morning and hiked the strenuous 5.5 mile trek in three hours… my boys don’t do anything slowly.
The hike was HARD at times, especially with our packs on. There was grumbling, complaining, and more, but once we reached the summit, it was WORTH IT!
Being on top of a mountain with not a lot to do wasn’t ideal for a twelve and fourteen year old, but the silence was GLORIOUS for this mama.
We checked into our tiny cabin and immediately took a quick nap… did I mention the hike was HARD? We had a few hours before dinner was served, so we took another short hike to the TOP of the cliffs and took in a view that you won’t see everyday.
After a communal dinner, there was more sitting around, chatting with our neighbors and then to bed.
Day 2
The next day the boys were READY to get to the bottom of the mountain to swim at the hotel and go eat again. We checked into Jack Huff Motor Lodge in Gatlinburg, hit the pool and then the hot tub on repeat! These boys love a hot tub. We ate lots of great food and settled in for a GOOD nights sleep in our comfy beds.
Day 3
We headed to Dollywood, as Milo and Matt had not been. We were SO excited. To ride rollercoasters, eat lots of yummy food and take in the sites! Well, our stomachs had other plans, and after ONE ride, we felt sick for DAYS… I am not exaggerating. Milo was SO disappointed, but again, it was a great life lesson for us to teach them!

So what was the lesson for these boys?
- I want them to know they can do HARD things. Milo and I talked about the hike, how difficult it was, but also that we DID IT! We didn’t quit when it got hard, and we had each other to encourage one another. They will face MUCH harder challenges in life than hiking that mountain, and I want to raise young men who don’t QUIT when the going gets tough.
- We see SO MUCH more of God’s beauty when we get still and unplug from the world. I know the boys were a little bored, but they will NEVER forget those views, that sunset and the quality time and laughs we had as a family.
- Things we look forward to (like Dollywood) don’t always go as planned. We must be prepared to roll with highs and lows and look for the good in each and every day God gives us!

I hope your Summer travels have been as sweet and special as ours have been! Now back to some normalcy, regular nutrition and prepping for year FOUR of homeschool together!
Jacqui Hodges
July 13, 2023 at 1:23 pmI read the book WILD last week by Cheryl Strayed. She hike the Pacific Crest Trail and wrote about it. I told my husband after I read it that I thought I’d like to do Appalachian Trail backpacking trip. I’ve never backpacked or tent camped. 😁 He said how about we start w/ Mt LeConte! How far in advance did you book your stay at the little village? We gentle hike the Smokies every year but never with packs for an overnighter. I want to do it!
July 14, 2023 at 8:58 amI may need to read that! We are avid tent campers and hikers, but the boys and I had never backpacked. Matt used to every year on the AT. I’ll message you about how I booked Leconte, but we got our packs at Christmas, and we have loaded them up a few times and gone out on some local trails. It was still difficult, but we would do it again!